Aboriginal sovereignty movement

WGAR News: What does a change of PM mean for Aboriginal people?: CAAMA interviews Michael Mansell

Newsletter date: 1 July 2013


* CAAMA: What does a change of PM mean for Aboriginal people? [Featuring Michael Mansell]
* NITV News: Warren Mundine welcomes Rudd's return
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The downfall of Prime Minister Gillard began with broken promises about the Intervention

* Living Black's Marc Tong interviews Sylvie Ellsmore: Local Council Says No to Income Management

* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

WGAR News: "Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence"

Newsletter date: 25 June 2013


* Jeane Bicket, Indymedia Australia: Warlpiri Language Vulnerability [Warlpiri is a Northern Territory Aboriginal language.]
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

* Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence
* Michael Mansell, Audio Boo: Phase One of Treaty/Sovereignty Talks Brisbane (May 18/19)
* George Williams, Indigenous Law Bulletin: Does Constiutional Recognition negate Aboriginal Sovereignty

WGAR News: Torres Strait region pushes for autonomy: Jeremy Geia, NITV News

Newsletter date: 3 June 2013


* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Torres Strait region pushes for autonomy
* Jeremy Geia, SBS Radionews: Torres Strait continues autonomy push
* NIRS: New push for Torres Strait self governance

* Ian Lloyd Neubauer, TIME: Australia's Aborigines Launch a Bold Legal Push for Independence
* Audio Boo: Audio - Fred Hooper, Murrawarri Republic - 4ZZZ
* Audio Boo: Audio - Murrawarri Republic - Fred Hooper, spokesperson - 'The wire'
* Background to the Murrawarri Republic declaration

WGAR News: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 24 May 2013


* Sovereign Union: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks
* Sovereign Union Media Release: Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union, about the Brisbane Treaty Talks
* CAAMA Radio's Paul Wyles interviews Michael Anderson about the struggle to decolonize and achieve independence

* Sovereign Union: Italian Media: Birth of the Republic of Aboriginal Murrawarri

WGAR News: Murrawarri people take sovereignty campaign to UN: Jeremy Geia, NITV News

Newsletter date: 16 May 2013


* Murrawarri Republic: Queen Recognises Murrawarri Republic
* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Murrawarri people take sovereignty campaign to UN
* NITV's Jeremy Geia, SBS Radionews: Indigenous 'republic' to go to UN
* Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Murrawarri Republic
* Background to the The Murrawarri Republic
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Sovereign Union: Goomeroi People call for a mining freeze on sacred lands [Transcript from NITV News - Jeremy Geia report]

WGAR News: Ongoing racism and abuse at Brisbane [Aboriginal] Sovereign Embassy: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 4 May 2013


* Michael Anderson: Don't sign your sovereign rights away with ILUAs [Indigenous Land Use Agreements]
* The Stringer: Ceding Sovereignty for a few crumbs
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Aunty Lilla Watson & Mary Graham
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Sovereign Union: Ongoing racism and abuse at Brisbane Sovereign Embassy
* Sovereign Union Audioboo: Musgrave Park Arrests - Wayne Coco Wharton Interview

The Murrawarri Republic declaration

Last updated: 10 September 2013

Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies
Main Contents Page:

The Murrawarri Republic Website

Murrawarri Republic - Facebook

Murawari People

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Murrawarri Republic

WGAR News: We must continue calls for Treaty: Nicole Watson, Tracker

Newsletter date: 15 April 2013


* Nicole Watson, Tracker: We must continue calls for Treaty
* Greg Dyett and Jeremy Geia, SBS Radionews Audio: Claim renews sovereignty campaign
* NIRS: Call to charge up sovereignty campaign
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* The Stringer: Department changes from Indigenous to Aboriginal

* Croakey: We must do far more as a country to acknowledge the First Australians: Prof Lesley Barclay

* Jeremy Geia, NITV News: Row over Canberra's traditional owners

* Other articles

WGAR News: "Legal action launched today to quash decision to imprison children in adult prison"

Newsletter date: 4 April 2013


* The Stringer: Legal action launched today to quash decision to imprison children in adult prison
* Tracker: Legal bid to get WA kids out of adult jail
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gary Foley
* NITV: Northern NSW clans create 'Murrawarri Republic'
* Sovereign Union: A fight against paying rates on ancient homelands
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* 3CR Community Radio: Earth Matters

WGAR News: Jagath Dheerasekara: Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud: burn magazine

Newsletter date: 31 March 2013


* burn magazine: Jagath Dheerasekara: Manuwangku, Under the Nuclear Cloud
* Canberra opening of 'Manuwangku - Under the Nuclear Cloud': Sun 7 April 2013
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* Helen Musa, Canberra CityNews: Exhibition honours true believer
* Canberra opening of 'I Do Have a Belief' - Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993) Art Retrospective: Sat 6 April 2013
* Sovereign Union: The Murrawarri Republic declaration
* NITV News: Aboriginal activists meet Black Power founders