
2010 Boomerang Election Watch mp3

featuring: Julia and Tony on Masterchef

David, Heather and Graham - ABC and other mainstream media with inadvertent comedic input - youtube - The Abbott Family spoof ad, a spoof vintage UK Labor Party ad, Waleed Aly with political analysis, Moving Australia forward towards Antarctica by Gabby Millgate, Lying Liars by David Mitchell, music by Barry Jones, Frank Zappa


European Climate Exchange website hacked

In a protest against carbon trading as a method for acting on climate change, on Friday, July 23 at just before midnight, the public website of the European Climate Exchange (ECX), the leading marketplace for trading CO2 emissions in Europe, was targetted by hacktivists of the autonomous tech collective *decocidio* (#?).

Thousands rally in West Papua: Reject special autonomy, demand referendum on independence

International news agencies have reported on the mass rally in Jayapura, capital of Indonesia's Papua province on July 8th. Thousands of people joined a long march, walking 17 km from the MRP (Majelis Rakyat Papua – Papua People's Assembly) to the DPRP (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Papua – Papuan Provincial Legislature), rejecting the Special Autonomy granted by Indonesia in 2001 and demanding a referendum on West Papuan independence and an internationally-mediated dialogue with Jakarta.

Slacktime Magazine mp3

various issues mixed and mashed

note: explicit language

mainstream media samples, "Boat People Quiz" by Clarke and Dawe, "Oz Politics the Musical" by news HD, "3 D Outside Every Cinema" by News Jack, Alex Jones Mashup from Distorted View Podcast

Length 21:40 min 128 kbps stereo 19.9 MB

Anti-whaling activist Pete Bethune released from Japanese jail

Pete Bethune, the anti-whaling activist convicted of assault in Japan and facing up to 15 years in jail has instead been released with a two year suspended sentence and can now return home to New Zealand.

Read more about this great news at the following links:

For earlier coverage of his trial on Indymedia visit

Timor law lets war criminals off the hook

Amnesty International is urging East Timor to reconsider legal loopholes that allow Indonesian army officers who took part in serious war crimes to go unpunished.

A report released by Amnesty this week investigates the small countries’ latest Penal Code, which shows no change to their amnesties relating to suspects of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

A touch of news mp3

A satirical collage of some US - Aus - and World news

Mainstream-News-Popkitsch-Media, Satirists J.Clarke - B. Dawe, Andy Salzman on Soccer [excerpts of J. Stewart's daily show], "Julia Gillard PM from the Moon" by David Knight, Robyn Williams [Letterman show] on Ozz rednecks, "Wiya Angela Pamela" by little sisters collective vs super realene bros, Onion Radio News