
British peace activists acquitted over EDO Gaza direct action

In the early hours of 17th January 2009, during Israel’s ‘Operation Cast Lead’ offensive against Gaza, six people broke in to the EDO/ITT weapons’ components factory in Moulsecoomb, Brighton, and caused hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage to the production line. This week in Britain all the activists were acquitted by a jury using the defence of necessity, that they were acting to preventing war crimes by the Israeli Defence Force against Palestinians.

Read some details of the case and the vindication of an acquital at the following links

Democracy needs reform—The cruelty of poll driven politics in Australia

After a series of sudden and drastic moved initiated by a handful of people within some fractions of the Australia Labor Party on Wednesday evening,  Australians woke up the next morning (24 June 2010) watching their elected Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd) cried in front of the TV screen after he was told by the dozens of his colleagues he was finished as prime minister. (Herald Sun, 25 June 2010)

11 unions back campaign to boycott Israel

The international campaign for boycott, sanctions and divestment against Israel is starting to gain leverage in Australia, especially since the recent killings of nine Turkish solidarity activists.

Since the May 31 attack on the flotilla of peace activists who were attempting to break the siege of Gaza and deliver humanitarian aid, several more trade unions have signed up to the boycott campaign.


G20 countries reject Robin Hood Tax, continue subsidies to Big Oil and Coal amid street protests

The G20 countries have rejected the proposal for a micro tax on large financial transactions - dubbed a Robin Hood Tax - at the meeting in Toronto Canada 25-27 June, while riot police have turned the streets into a bloody battleground with pre-emtive house raids of activists, attacking peaceful protests, baton charges, and over 100 arrests. (See up to the minute reporting from the G20 Alt Media Centre) | Toronto G20 People's March Photos

Update: Jun 29: Over 900 people arrested - Journalists Illegally Detained and Searched en Masse | WWF: G20: long on platitudes, short on delivery | Democracy Now: Naomi Klein: The Real Crime Scene Was Inside the G20 Summit


Oily Affairs mp3

Oil, Environment, War, Madness, Humor

mainstream media clips and youtube [keywords]: "corporate oil ads", "oil spill", "vintage oil ads", "oil spill parody - spoof - song" --- AC DC sample of "I cover you in oil" --- Sade's sample "Smooth Operator" --- Buttress O Kneel samples "Spoils of War"

German court rules in favor of passive assisted suicide

Germany's Federal Court of Justice has ruled that assisted suicide is legal in certain cases. The ruling is based on a case involving a terminally-ill coma patient whose daughter attempted to cut her feeding tube.,,5730366,00.html?maca=en-newsletter_...

Tax evasion, corrupt law enforcement & technology piracy

Private computer networks were around all over the world long before the internet, many groups traded software & literature & their were countless BBS systems which were used all over the world, their was no monopoly over the technolgy as their is today, for the systems & networks were run by everyday people, for eg: (Drink Or Die) one of the many software trading groups was said to be founded in 1993 in Moscow by a Russian with the handle "deviator" and a friend who went by the code name "CyberAngel." By 1995, the group was global, but this is debatable, it seems they always p

It’s not that the Swiss and the French sound like the far right: the far right sounds like them

It’s not that the Swiss and the French sound like the far right: the far right sounds like them

By Atman Zerkaoui
Traduction : Karen Wirsig/Decolonial traduction group

The result of the Swiss referendum held 29 November 2009 means that building a mosque with a minaret is now banned in that country. Switzerland is apparently shocked and even surprised by the vote.

Switzerland, the country that has already had several referenda to limit immigration, is surprised?

Palestinian survival space: Eyewitness report from Iraq-Burin

I was raised in the tranquil, spacious, sometimes ghostly-empty city of Adelaide, Australia. Like many activists, there was something easy, privileged, even boring about my upbringing that made me determined to work with people at the other end of the scale.

So I find myself now working as a human rights activist with the International Solidatiry Movement (ISM), in Palestine. ISM supports Palestinian civil and human rights, and provides an international presence wherever Palestinians are practising non-violent resistance to the military occupation.

Suu Kyi marks birthday; world remembers

RANGOON—From tree planting in Burma (Myanmar) to a solidarity rally in Washington and flash mobs in Britain, people around the world are holding events to mark the 65th birthday today of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Supporters of Burma’s iconic democracy leader plan to throw a small party for her at one of their houses in northern Rangoon, but Suu Kyi won’t be there.

In Makati, Philippines, about 70 activists yesterday marked Suu Kyi’s 65th birthday by rallying in front of the Embassy of Burma, demanding for her release.