
Greenpeace activist injured during attempt to save Bluefin tuna

A Greenpeace activist was speared through the leg and severely injured as he and other activists from the Rainbow Warrior and the Artic Sunrise confronted French Bluefin fisherman and attempted to release Blue Fin trapped in a net. Recently the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species failed to ban Blue Fin Tuna fishing despite the fact stocks are crashing globally to critical levels.

Israeli violence in international waters- recording

This is a link to a recording from the Greek ship 'sfendoni' which was among those in the freedom flotilla on their way to Gaza. There were many nationalities on board, not to mention the Israelis, so there is English spoken as well. This recording needs no explanation. It is witness enough.

We are giving our spirit and blood, freedom to Palestine, freedom to Gaza.ελλάδα/αποκλειστικά-στο-tvxs-ντοκουμέντο-από-την-επίθεση-στη-σφενδόνη

Monetary Affairs with Prof. Bernard Lietar mp3

Analysis and suggestions for addressing the dysfunctional aspects of society, the environmental exploitation and war-fare.
Interview and lecture samples from youtube, excerpt of 'Communism" youtube, sound-excerpt of "or a lie" by Sodacake

Youtube keyword: Bernard Lietaer

Translation of declaration by pro-Palestine activists detained in Bersheeba Prison

The declaration below was written by a group of Greeks from the cargo ship "Eleftheri Mesogeios" and the Sfendoni, two of the ships hijacked by the Israeli Defence Force while on their way to Gaza in company with the ships from Turkey (IHH) and 1 from the Free Gaza movement. The imprisoned passengers wrote this declaration while still detained at Bersheeba prison yesterday evening, when they gave it to the Greek ambassador who made it public. The full report can be found at

Protests condemn Israel over attack on humanitarian flotilla to Gaza

Protests in Australia condemned the Israeli attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla to Gaza resulting in the death of 10 civilians and injuries to 30 more including to one Australian. 1500 people listened to speakers and marched through the streets of Melbourne on short notice. In Sydney a crowd of 4000 people marched and listened to speakers with passion and anger. Other protests were held in Brisbane, outside the Israeli embassy in Canberra, and 150 people attending a protest in Perth.

Related: Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla | Israel: How to explain a massacre | AVAAZ petition | Declaration by Greek activists from Bersheeba Prison | Melbourne Photos (Flickr) | Melbourne videos (youtube) 1, 2 | Melbourne Protests


ISRAEL: How to explain a massacre

By Uli Schmetzer

Venice , May 31, 2010 - The great lesson from the bloody Israeli raid on a flotilla of pacifists heading for Gaza with humanitarian aid is how easy it has become to control public opinion as long as the information is manipulated and comes exclusively from one source – the government and its military.
As we know governments and the military always tell the truth - unlike the others.


6 Greeks from flotilla to Gaza allowed to return to Greece

Six Greeks have been released by Israel and have returned to Athens. A press conference has just ended where they revealed the details of their treatment by the IDF and the condition of the other passengers on two boats, Sfendoni and Eleftheri Mesogeio. A transcription of the press release will follow in the following hours.
For ongoing events see digital camera:

Greek Site:

Gaza Freedom Flotilla attacked by Israeli commandos in international waters; 16 reported killed Palestine solidarity groups calls for emergency action:The details for the Australian protests so far are listed below:

Date and Time: 
Tue, 01/06/2010 -
4:30pm to 5:00pm
Melbourne: Tuesday June 1, 4.30pm, Cnr of Burke Street Mall and Swanston St, Melbourne City. Organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Melbourne) Sydney: Tuesday June 1, 5.30pm at the Town Hall organised by Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine. Perth Tuesday June 1, 5pm, Wesley Church, cnr William & Hay Sts, Perth. Organised by Friends of Palestine, Western Australia Brisbane Tuesday, June 1, 5pm,Brisbane Square Organised by Justice for Palestine (Qld)
Contact Name: 

Israel has attacked the Free Gaza Movement flotilla which was carrying 700 human rights activists, doctors, parliamentarians, journalists and 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Emergency protests are taking place or being organised all over the world to protest Israel’s murder of human rights activists and hijacking of the Freedom flotilla in international waters.

For Details see:

Israel kills peace activists aboard flotilla

The Israeli navy has raided and killed up to 19 peace activists aboard the international flotilla heading towards Gaza with humanitarian aid. One Australian activist was shot in the leg and seriously injured and a journalist was tasered. The Australians were held for three days in Israel before being deported. The flotilla carried supplies like medical equipment and a dental equipment had peace activists, media and politicians from over 40 countries on board. Eyewitness accounts from activists of the Israeli attack are now emerging. Israel is a nuclear armed rogue state that deserves to be an international pariah. Visit for updates of events.

Nachrichten Kommentar von Nimbin Australien 2010-05-28 mp3 [German language]

Nachrichten Kommentar von Nimbin Australien

German language

Australische politische Ereignisse kommentiert mit Martin und Wolfgang

19:00 min 128 kbps stereo 17.4 MB