
Stop EU funding Roma discrimination

Every day across Europe, Roma people suffer discrimination and violence. The segregation and exclusion of the Roma, one of the largest minority groups in Europe, is widespread and wide-ranging. They are trapped on the edge of society as govenments deny them their basic rights.

Amnesty International has uncovered cases where EU Structural Funds - EU taxpayers' money - has been used to fund schools that segregate Roma children. EU Funds have also been used for infrastructure projects that force the Roma people to be evicted. Left homeless they are pushed deeper into poverty.

Nuclear debate heats up in Germany over new tax and plant lifespans

Germany's nuclear power plant operators have threatened to pull out of nuclear power generation in protest of a proposed tax. The general debate over the future of German nuclear power has heated up again.

Controversial negotiations are underway in Germany between the government and energy providers as companies threaten to shut down their nuclear power plants over a proposed tax on fuel rods and Germany's debate over its nuclear energy future reignites.

Tell the next PM where we stand on refugees

Picture: Najeeba with her younger brother Mahdi.

By Graham Thom

"We had to push our way onto the boat, people were screaming and pushing each other out of the way. It was so crowded we had to sit with our knees squashed against our chests for 10 whole days. No one knew how to swim. At the end of the journey, the boat got a hole and people were fighting for life jackets. We didn’t get one. If the Australian Navy hadn’t reached us, we would have died."

The Work of violence:a timeline of armed attacks at Kennedy Road

An academic report has just been published on the attack on Abahlali baseMjondolo in the Kennedy Road shack settlement in Durban, South Africa last year.

Chance, K. (2010) The Work of violence:a timeline of armed attacks at Kennedy Road. School of Development Studies Research Report, 83, July 2010.

Vote for Nuthin mp3

collage of events around a largely meaningless election in Australia

publicly funded media, youtube vintage excerpts

Vote shoe boat people by Chaser, Will Anderson, now show excerpt, Russel Brand, Tony Abbott Perfect by glenop, The Fundamentalist Adventures Of Tony Abbott - A Musical by Toby Thornett, Paul Keating, unknown poetry and jazz

length 28:26 min 128 kbps stereo 26.1 MB

100 countries back a ban on cluster bombs

The world moved a step closer to a complete ban on deadly Cluster Bombs this week with a new treaty coming into force, backed by 100 countries.

The decision is the culmination of a decade long fight to have the weapons banned because of the dramatic impact on civilian populations.

Current estimates suggest more than half a million people have been killed by cluster munitions.

Human rights groups say cluster bombs have a very similar impact to landmines and have no place in modern warfare.


Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy.

Request for full investigation into ‘unseen’ major NZ tragedy.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council Inc. (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940 9658

(Our Council’s aim is to have the human rights excluded from domestic and international human rights law included because it is causing massive social class discrimination in many States).

Attention: New Zealand’s Chief Human Rights Commissioner
Dear Rosslyn Noonan,

About Language mp3

public funded media samples, Al Jazeera, youtube

Peter Sellers, Adam Hills, David Mitchell, Chaser, Flying Tadpole, for Expert Village, Small Poppy, The Fascist Party, Suzlon Energy

"Tampa Song" by 2 Cents Worth and Friends B. Browne, moving forward remix MMM, Julia sings Dolly Parton, "Oralie" by Soda Cake

Democracy needs reform - Australia, China and USA: A tale of 3 natural disasters

This month mark the 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA (29 August 2005), This remind me the 2nd anniversary of the Earthquake in Sichuan, China (12 May 2008) three month ago and the 1st anniversary of the Black Saturday (Bush fire) in Victoria, earlier this year in Australia (7 February 2009).

Pride of Warriors - Stories from West Papua

Al Jazeerah has broadcast a new documentary by Australian film maker Jono Van Hest which gives an insight into the ongoing West Papua Independence struggle and the repression by Indonesisa. Van Hest smuggled cameras into West Papua and allowed West Papuans to tell their own stories.

Related: Thousands rally rejecting special autonomy and demand referendum on independence
