Stop EU funding Roma discrimination

Every day across Europe, Roma people suffer discrimination and violence. The segregation and exclusion of the Roma, one of the largest minority groups in Europe, is widespread and wide-ranging. They are trapped on the edge of society as govenments deny them their basic rights.

Amnesty International has uncovered cases where EU Structural Funds - EU taxpayers' money - has been used to fund schools that segregate Roma children. EU Funds have also been used for infrastructure projects that force the Roma people to be evicted. Left homeless they are pushed deeper into poverty.

The exclusion of Roma people has led to segregation and being forced from their homes. Freedom from discriminaiton is a human right. Discrimination that leaves people homeless or segregated is a travesty.

Discrimination that drives and deepens the cycle of poverty is a human rights emergency.

Amnesty International has launched a global campaign, called Demand Dignity, to call for an end to human rights abuses that keep people poor.

Ten years ago, countries around the world agreed to eight goals to end poverty by 2015. Just five years before the deadline, world leaders will meet this September at the UN summit to discuss progress on these goals. The progress has been slow. Governments risk failing some of the worlds most impoverished and vulnerable groups - that is billions of people including the Roma people - unless human rights are put at the centre of efforts to eradicate poverty. Join the Rights Journey

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