
Gaza aid flotilla to set sail for confrontation with Israel

A flotilla of eight boats carrying thousands of tonnes of construction materials, medical equipment and other aid is preparing to sail to Gaza in the next few days, setting the scene for a confrontation with Israel which has vowed to prevent the ships breaking the blockade on the Palestinian territory. Read about the progress of the flotilla at

Anti-whaling conservationist Peter Bethune's show trial - solidarity call out

The trial of Peter Bethune began on 27th May in Tokyo. Peter pleaded guilty to charges of trespass, property destruction, carrying a knife and disruption of commercial acitivty. He is contesting the charge of assault. The charges arise fromhis Febrauy 15th, 2010 boarding of the illegal Japanese whaling vessel the Shonan Maru No.2. Peter was attempting to deliver a citizens arrest warrant, along with an invoice for the loss of his ship which was sunk earlier by the Japanese whalers.


Media accountability—The Age must say ‘Sorry’ to Australians

On the 12th May 2010, I filed a report under the heading: ‘Can we trust our media? The shocking behaviour of the Age’s Journalist, John Garnaut’. In this report, I describe how I uncovered the shocking behaviour of The Age’s Journalist John Garnaut in his report dated 9 May 2009 under the heading ‘Journey through an earthquake’.

Greece: Protest against transphobia and homophobia

Greece: Protest against transphobia and homophobia

A successful protest took place on 19 May 2010 in Athens, Greece outside the offices of transphobic and homophobic ESR organization (National Radiotelevision Council).

Western governments silent in face of Thai massacre

Once again the West’s commitment to human rights is shown to be selective. As Thai troops finally cleared the Red Shirts demonstration in Bangkok today, Western governments remained silent as they troops shot scores of people over the last week with high powered military rifles and shot guns. The silence is in stark contrast to the condemnation of the Iranian Government for its crackdown on the “Green Revolution” after last year’s election in Iran.


Mammon votes for Abbott

How universal suffrage entrenches vested interests, and what to do about it — by Gavin R. Putland.

Does Tony Abbott expect to win votes by promising to give away Australia's mineral resources more cheaply than Kevin Rudd? No, he expects to win material support from the mining industry, which in turn will help him to win the election on other issues, with the result that the mining industry gets the policy it wants.

People before profit! Don't make Asia Pacific a sweatshop hell! -- Our strong call to ABAC meeting

NAFITU and YFOTU Press Release for Approaching ABAC Action on 517  

People Before Profit! Don’t Make Asia Pacific A Sweatshop Hell! --Our Strong Call to ABAC Meeting

Time: 12:30, May 17, 2010 (Monday)

Venue: Taipei International Convention Center (No.1, Sec. 5, Hsin-YiRoad, Taipei)

International Contact Persons: Weili Chu (General Secretary, NAFITU): +886-981238732, Lennon Ying-Dah Wong (International Coordinator, YFOTU): +886-933908994


Mostly Goldman Sachs mp3

Finance-Current-Events-Song-Satire collage

Bonus Bet Against the American Dream, Pollution by Barry Jones, This Week in Cheating Goldman Test-Files, Goldman Sachs by Harry Shearer, Goldman Sachs by, plus more...

length: 37:12 min 128 kbps stereo 34.1 MB

Greece: Blood and tears for the proletariat!

That's the remedy to all the bourgeoisies of the world against the crisis!

In order to resist the policy of blood and tears which the bourgeoisie inflicts on it, the proletariat has no other possibility than the resumption of the class struggle, starting with the rejection of anti-worker measures by the government and the calls for “national solidarity”, and for sacrifices “to defend the fatherland and democracy”.


"Why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"

"why don't the people get rid of the lizards?" said Arthur Dent. Well it seems the people are doing very well at getting rid of the lizards, due to climate change. Yep, it is our carbon emissions which is driving up global mean temperatures, altering the climate and driving lizards, Koalas and other species to extinction. The quote from Arthur Dent comes from Douglas Adams explaining the concept of democracy in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Unfortunately, it seems we are getting rid of the wrong lizards - the ones with four feet that eat insects and are important prey for other small carnivores. That just leaves the cold-blooded political Lizards we have elected to office, still in charge and warming themselves in the glow from the fossil fuel vested interests.