
The brutal truth about Rio Tinto’s bribery case – what people should know

After nine months of media allegation, finger pointing based purely on hear-say, speculation surrounding the reasons behind the arrest of the four Rio Tinto’s executives in Shanghai on the 5th July 2009, the truth about the actual background of the arrest has finally out weighted the disinformation relentlessly generated by the mainstream media in Australia.

We now know that:

No fly zone news mp3

"Come and fly with Me" by Skylarks Nimbin Mix, Volcano News, UK Elections Collage [ with Thomas and Friends - I'm a little Airo-plane now - Bustop ], Elections with James Sherwood and excerpt of the Vote Now Show, "Tupolov 150 Fatal Flight" movie ad, Australian and Nimbin Mardi Grass 2010 news and commentaries, "Market Volatility" with John Bird and John Hunter, add ons

The worst drug-criminals are legislators

An Australian court finds that the existing drug laws, by reversing the onus of proof, violate the presumption of innocence. But all convictions stand. To any legislator who willingly allows the reverse onus of proof to continue, I say: May it please God that you become a victim of it. [From OpEdNews, USA.]

Nanny state mp3

Iain Anderson on Drugs, Kevin Country Hospital Holdup, Kevin Rudd with John Clarke and Bryan Dawe, Message for the Australian People, No Clean Feed, What Google says, Angry Aussie on Conroy's net filter, Conroy is a douche bag, UK Digital Economy Act with Nick Doody, Broadband for Seniors with Mark - sounds by supahempadoxical and others...

Shocked by YFO workers twice a day, HTC still doesn't mind the labor condition of Its supplier

HTC has been shocked and embarrassed for twice one April 2 by the workers in Young Fast Optoelectronics (YFO), one of its touch panel suppliers who violates the labor laws, exploits the workers and attacks the union.

Video shows U.S. murdering civilians in Iraq

A new video has been posted on Youtube by Wikileaks shows footage from 2007 when U.S. Helicopter crews opened fire on civilians including children in Iraq killing over a dozen people including two Reuters journalists. The callousness of the criminal U.S. occupation is revealed in the laughing soldiers as they gun down people attempting to pick up the wounded


More financial literacy mp3

Conversation about aspects of the dreaded debt finance system and it's repercussions extro with "Investment Banker" by John Bird and John Hunter

length: 32:22 mins 128 kbps stereo 29.7 MB


Exposing Koch Industries' web of climate denial

A new Greenpeace report uncovers the multimillion dollar funding and intense lobbying against climate science and climate action by Koch Industries, that eclipses the traditional funding for climate deniers from ExxonMobil and other fossil fuel companies.

Greenpeace Reports: Koch Industries: secretly funding the climate denial machine | Dealing in Doubt: A Brief History of Attacks on Climate Science, Climate Scientists and the IPCC


Media control - How it works in Australia

By the end of this month (30th April, 2010), it will be the 1st Anniversary of the Australia News and Features Services (ANFS) website ( and the International News Syndicate (INS) Website ( (registered in Hong Kong), putting up a statement which declared that: “This site is currently undergoing redevelopment.