
"Deep into the eyes of racism" - Nyoongar Tent Embassy, Thursday March 22

Gerry Georgatos
Two of Nyoongar Tent Embassy's stalwarts had not been to the Embassy for more than a week. Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation's Robert Eggington and John Pell were in Perth city on planning duties for the March 28 Stolen Wages march and rally when Mr Eggington was urged on by a spiritual sense and looked at Mr Pell, "Johnny, lets go to the Embassy."


Scientists warn we have a 20 metre sea level rise coming due to Global Warming

Scientists studying the geological record have determined that at slightly above current temperatures we are about 20 metres below what the sea level equilibrium should be. Sea levels are increasing and forecast to rise at least a metre this century (although there is a low probability they could be higher than this), the change in sea level will occur over several hundred or thousands of years.

Scientists looking at the Pliocene period from 2.7 to 3.2 million years ago, the last time temperatures were at a similar range of 2 degrees C above average, estimated peak sea level was 22 Ā± 10 m higher than modern levels (extreme likelihood). This rise in sea level would require the equivalent of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets disintegrating, and some volume loss from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. We are already seeing substantial mass loss from Greenland and West Antarctic Ice sheets.

Related: Scientists Estimate Sea level Rise for next 500 years | Sea Level Rise and Australia | Australian Sea Level Rise Maps | Video Interview - The risks of Sea Level Change - Dr Peter Ward

The latest Shortwave Report 3/23/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 23) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Forest Rescue heighten protest actions to save forests - however many arrests

Gerry Georgatos
Forest Rescue Australia (FRA) has heightened its protest actions halting Warrup logging on an almost daily basis - however at the price of arrests. A Forest Products Commission (FPC) spokeswoman confirmed that protestors had entered work areas on three separate days in the last ten days and on two occasions had locked themselves on to two logging machines while work continued in other parts of the operation.

On Monday 19, FRA protestors entered the Warrup logging area and one protestor managed to lock himself on to a logging machine for 15 hours.


Call for supporters to Nyoongar Tent Embassy - government has ordered police in, they are there now

Nyoongar Tent Embassy has sent a call out for supporters to assist at Heirisson Island (Mattagarup).

Apparently 100 police have arrived at the Embassy and with news media piling in.

Talkback radio is piling heaps of pressure for government, council and police action to close it down. However just as many people have been calling into the talkback programs supporting and arguing on behalf of the right of the Embassy.

Premier Colin Barnett has publicly said that action 'will be taken' and that the Embassy has gone off 'for long enough'. He wants not tents, and campers sleeping over.

Stop rape and murder for mining profit

When security forces of a Canadian mining company brutally evicted Mayan families from their villages in Guatemala, eleven women were raped, a community leader was killed, and a young man paralyzed. Now villagers are standing up and suing HudBay Minerals for these horrific crimes -- but they need our help to match the corporate legal firepower and win their case!

Indonesia Jails Five West Papuans

Ā Indonesia jails five peaceful protestors for treason. Amnesty is calling for their immediate release.

- Five West Papuan citizens have been jailed for THREE YEARS for peacefully expressing their political views.

- They were charged with the absurd charge of TREASON for taking part in the 3rd Papuan People's Congress in October.

- These five West Papuans are now officially ā€œprisoners of conscienceā€ according to Amnesty International.

- Amnesty says there are now 95 prisoners of conscience in Indonesian occupied West Papua.