
Vegan Buddies Programme launch by Animal Rights Zone

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone), the worldwide social network and advocacy site, officially launches their global Vegan Buddies programme.
ARZone’s Vegan Buddies,
* with its own website sections - -
* a podcast - - featuring an “audio tour” of the programme,
* and a short introductory video - -
is now live via the main ARZone site -

The latest Shortwave Report (April 6) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 6) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Indonesia explodes into protests over fuel price rise plan

April 4, 2012 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal/Green Left Weekly -- The following interview with Dominggus Oktavanius, secretary general of the Peoples Democratic Party (PRD) of Indonesia, was conducted by Peter Boyle. It follows a month of mass unrest and demonstrations all around the country during March 2012. Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) reports there were 1063 demonstrations, 16 police stations were damaged and 750 protesters were arrested just between March 23-26 .

Bo Xilai, rumour journalism, Western prejudice and China’s Internet crackdown

- How rumour journalism works? 

Chinese police have arrested six people and shut 16 websites after rumours were spread that military vehicles were on the streets of Beijing. Without factual verification, such unsubstantiated internet rumour has gone viral internationally as a sign of instability and power struggling in Beijing following the arrest of Bo Xilai last month.

Anarchists disrupt Police Expo

Just before dawn on April 1st a group of anarchists dropped a banner reading “COPS OUT OF REDFERN, OUT OF OUR LIVES” from a construction site at 90 Regent St Redfern. The building now being renovated had been a squatted social centre and a home for more than 10 people throughout November and December of 2010. Within the large city owned building, dubbed ‘The People’s Castle’, solar power, a free shop and free café were established and opened to the public. In mid December 2010 police evicted the building following a failed supreme court challenge to keep the social centre open.

Top experts from around the world will highlight "Community Power - Citizens' Power"

Date and Time: 
Tue, 03/07/2012 - 12:00pm to Thu, 05/07/2012 - 12:00pm
Bonn, Germany
Contact Name: 
World Wind Energy Association
Contact Phone: 
+49-228-369 40-80
Contact Email:

WWEC2012 in Bonn: Top experts from around the world will highlight "Community Power - Citizens' Power"

Bonn, 3 April 2012 (WWEA) – The World Wind Energy Association WWEA and the German Wind Energy Association BWE invite the world community of wind to the 11th World Wind Energy Conference in Bonn, Germany, from 3-5 July 2012. The WWEC2012 will take place under the special theme "Community Power - Citizens' Power".

Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament

Fellow Earthians,

Never before has the Universe unfolded such a flower as our collective human intelligence, so far as we know.

Nor has such a one-and-only brilliance in the Universe stood at the brink of extinction, so far as we know.

We people of the Earth exist because our potential was there in the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago, as the Universe exploded into being.

So far, it seems like we are the lone thinkers in this vast, expanding Universe.

Wedge tactics by WA government to water down Aboriginal Heritage Act

Gerry Georgatos
The West Australian government will attempt to water down the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 to make it easier for government and big business to secure the "assessments they want" of Aboriginal historical and cultural sites.

Aboriginal Elders and advocates have spoken about their fears that the only intention of this move by the state government is to keep on building assimilationist policies, to railroad Aboriginal folk and in effect extinguish customary and historical rights to the benefit or miners, big business and state and local government projects.
