
The latest Shortwave Report (May 4) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Settlement with ABC Media Watch for defamation against me 13/4/2012

Again i come to this site to get the truth out to Australia and the World because main stream media Print and TV in NSW Australia won't release it to the public. As they say there is no interest in Schapelle Corby's being innocent and sitting in a Bali prison, read Expendable TV on Howard Government and others cover up saying no drug smuggling going on in Australian Airports at time of Schapelle's arrest in 2004.

An anarchist response to the police murder at a Rainbow gathering near Tenterfield NSW

On April 16 Ryan Pringle, the 33 year old son of a former Balmain rugby league star was shot to death by police at a rural commune called the “School of Happiness” in Northern NSW. The details of this sad day are not completely clear, but it seems that Ryan had arrived at the camp earlier that day, as a group called the Rainbow Family Australia was preparing for a 6 week gathering.

Claim of responsibility for graffiti attack on coal magnate's home

In the early hours of April 9 some Wollongong ecovandals redecorated a $5 million dollar mansion owned by Arun Jagatramka, executive chairman of Gujarat NRE Coking Coal, a mining company which has recently established itself in the Illawarra region.

PHILIPPINES: Sentro, Nagkaisa herald new era of labor unity

THOUSANDS of trade unionists and activists poured into the streets of Manila and other key cities to celebrate May Day amid renewed hopes that the two latest efforts at labor unity will provide strong impetus to their uphill battle for labor and trade union rights.

At least 5,000 affiliates of the Sentro ng mga Progresibong Manggagawa (Sentro), a newly organized labor center, joined a more massive march and rally in Manila of the recently launched Nagkaisa! labor coalition.

UFO photographed over Bridgetown

Gerry Georgatos
In recent times the Blackwood region has become a hotspot for UFO sightings and recently a Bridgetown resident photographed a UFO in Bridgetown's sky.

77 year old Robert Meldrum lives on one of the highest vantages of Bridgetown, near the well-known Bridgetown Lookout, and his front verandah is a pilgramage to one of the great views of the valley town. He and his wife retired to Bridgetown ten years ago. Mr Meldrum is an avid photographer who on the afternoon of Sunday April 22 was shooting photographs of cloud formations from his front verandah.


Global warming intensifying global water cycle by double current climate model projections

New research into ocean salinity levels has revealed a strong global water cycle intensification during the period of 1950 to 2000. The researchers report the rate of change in the global water cycle is double the rate projected by current-generation climate models. The study found "robust evidence of an intensified global water cycle at a rate of about eight per cent per degree of surface warming," said study co-author Dr Durack, a post-doctoral fellow at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US.

ARZone's Vegan Buddies now fully operational

Animal Rights Zone (ARZone), the global campaigning, activities, and social network for animal advocates, announces the third phase of their ongoing Vegan Buddies Programme.

With a new video
[direct YouTube link:] this phase of ARZone’s Vegan Buddies programme makes the facility publicly available to people who are new to veganism or who are thinking of or interested in living vegan.

Mad Max 2038

Thus it had arrived
Died was freedom
The prisons were spread out everywhere
Everyone became insane
The love was not any more
And any friendship, had been keep silent
The poor
Were made mercenaries
Rich person
With the gold bearing resources
One remembered, with favor
Of Sarkozy, Le Pen, Holland, without savor
Free, Salazar, Mussolini
And even of the ace of the cretins
Whose tortured still cries push
Bachar el- Assad with infinite inhumanity
Who in 2038, would be and by far
Men of the left, without any bond
Now, it is terror
Today, it is the horror
Thus it arrived