
The Shortwave Report (April 27) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 27) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Neo Liberal Failures mp3

The Global Right recites their Neo Liberal agenda once again with elections pending in several countries. The Right repeats the mantra - manipulating scarcity to rule.

pop media samples, and popular youtube clips, Nib Oswald, Clarke Dawe, Graham and myself, Delusional Peter Schiff, sounds by Yarkhob Transmissions, Norel Pref


Eight day hunger strike: Refugee advocates demand Australia brings tortured Afghan murder witnesses to safety

Three Afghan Hazara asylum seekers who were tortured and beaten unconscious by guards at the end of February after attempting to escape the Pontianak detention centre in West Kalimantan, Indonesia have been refusing food since the night of Wednesday 18th April.

Mark Goudkamp from the Refugee Action Coalition and Ridwan Bakar from the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) visited the traumatised men in Pontianak’s St Augustus hospital on April 16.

Is a renters revolution nearing?

Gerry Georgatos
A renters rights movement is gathering momentum in Western Australia with its first impetus surprisingly from the state's South West, and in particular from the Blackwood Valley.

A24/25/26 - Bradley Manning, facing life sentence or death penalty, back in military court; we're back on the streets!

If you can't make it to the tribunal at Ft. Meade (maryland, USA) or the U.S. embassy in London, consider making a public stand for Bradley Manning on April 24th., 25th. or 26th. wherever you are - as he stands before a military tribunal that wishes to bury him alive!
Bradley has now been in military custody for over 700 days!

There are solidarity actions presently planned in Cardiff/ Wales, Fairford Base/ England, the gates of Ft. Meade /USA and 14 cities world wide

Renters stress hits the Blackwood - time for a renters alliance Australia-wide

Gerry Georgatos
We have all heard about mortgage stress however renters' stress has received comparatively little mention according to Lea Keenan, coordinator of the WA Renters Alliance. Ms Keenan said that rising rents are not confined to Perth and the north west however "are just as out of control in the south west."


Source spills beans on government (PMO) scandals

Gerry Georgatos
The National Indigenous Times was informed some weeks back of the scandal surrounding the Speaker of Parliament, Peter Slipper, the member for Fisher and former barrister and businessperson.

A source close to the Office of the Prime Minister said that the scandal "was in the works, would soon surface, and just like the Lobby restaurant incident that went on for a little while having pearshaped on the government, the Prime Minister and crew are in overdrive behind the scenes to shore up the government against looming threats from this latest scandal-in-waiting."
