
Harvard Academic guilty of scientific fraud

Academic guilty of scientific fraud – a second time!
Media release dated May 2012
An academic at the prestigious Harvard University, Mr. Van Wallach has been shown to have committed scientific fraud for a second time.
A paper published last month showed that Van Wallach in 2009 committed an act of fraud to attempt to steal naming rights for a genus of Cobras from an Australian zoologist, Raymond Hoser.


The Australian prison system has failed; warehouses of illness & death. Bring on Bastoy for starters

Gerry Georgatos
If you want to know the hearts and minds of a nation, of its consciousness, of its legislators, then day and night look into our prisons.

The two century old modern day prison experiment is failing, that is if we look at the spiralling incarceration rates, adult and youth, and if we look at re-offending rates, the recidivism.

My PhD research argues that people who enter the prison experience, who are incarcerated for relatively short or long terms leave the prison experience worse than they came in.


Australia's South West forests dying - death of trees world-wide

Gerry Georgatos
Disease and drought are threatening iconic South West forests, including Warrup, Yabberup, Arcadia, Kingston-Perup - in fact the whole region. Murdoch University researchers and international scientists are warning that thousands of Marri trees throughout the South West, including in the wineries regions, are dying or are already dead.

Professor Giles Hardy and Dr George Matusick from Murdoch University's Centre of Excellence for Climate Change Woodland and Forest Health said they are dying from the devastating from of tree cancer know as Marri canker.


Your Brain Will Fall Out part 2 mp3

potentially offensive

more satirical collage

Betty Bowers marriage advice, The Real Housewifes of the L.D.S, The Secret World Of Mormonism, 'WeHaveToLive' Norel Pref, Onion Radio News, Frank Zappa, Ricky Gervais, Bill Burr, Bill Bailey

29:20 min 128 kbps stereo 28 MB

Your Brain Will Fall Out part 1 mp3

explicit language !

Politics and Religion collage

And I'm a Mormon Ad , Comedy central cartoon slams MORmONS CAPT GIRL, Can we talk about politics and religion now, Mormon LDS Comedy If you wanna be an Elder, Cult collage,Hi my name is Elizabeth and I am a Mormon, Hello can I come in, Mormons are crazy, I'm a Mormon and I know it, Mormons Missionary Rap, Andy Kline, Tim Minchin, Nib Oswald, Jim Jeffries, Frank Zappa

Free Pussy Riot action at Russian consulate April 21 Sydney

On April 21 a demonstration was held at Sydney's Russian consulate in solidarity with three young women imprisoned by the Russian state. They stand accused of being members of Pussy Riot and performing a punk prayer on the alter of Russia's central cathedral.

Hope in Chch rebuilding, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential.

Hope in Chch rebuilding, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (09) 940.9658

A private member’s amendment bill proposes that the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, passed by a conscience vote of only 36 per cent of MPs in August 1990, and ‘by and for’ a left-minority, now be entrenched by requiring 75 per cent of MPs to agree to any change.


Exposition sélective

Je n'aime pas les intellectuels
Qui se prennent pour des intellectuels
Les Michel Onfray
Les Michel Houellebecq
Qui vont parler
Avec Nicolas Sarkozy
Qui sont invités
Par Nicolas Sarkozy
Et qui sont toujours
Mes chers balourds
Du côté du plus fort
Du côté du plus mort
Je n'aime pas les artistes
Qui se prennent
Pour des artistes
Les Gérard Depardieu
Et autres prie-dieu
Qui ne pensent qu'à l'argent
Qui ne sont que des dents
Intellectuels, artistes, du spectacle
Cela crache dans la soupe
Cela houspille, cela tacle
Cela s'affiche avec les tyrans
Cela aboie, c'est méchant