
Treason trials hand down guilty verdict on West Papua Congress leaders

by West Papua Media from West Papua Media sources in Jayapura March 16, 2012

Hundreds of security forces are on the streets around Jaypura, West Papua, in a show of force as an Indonesian court found five Congress leaders guilty of Makar (treason), and sentenced the defendants each to three years in prison.

The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

WWEA releases Small Wind World Report 2012

- - World market for small wind turbines sees dynamic growth as total capacity reaches 440 MW
- More than 330 manufacturers of small wind turbines operate in 40 countries all over the world
- More supportive policies could boost the small wind market

You Make Us Feel As If We've All Been Fools

Over roughly the past three years my country, America has had the opportunity to have President Barack Obama as our president. It is now 2012 and as we head into the election for those of us that voted for him, though we wish we could say differently in our hearts, there is a place that remains unsure and disappointed. There were so many promises and most of us that voted for him in 2008 knew there was no way to fulfill those all or even mostly.

"Pay the Rent" - say Nyoongars - "Stronger Futures can go straight to hell"

Gerry Georgatos
With the Stronger Futures debacle in the Australian Senate the following could not be more timely. Nyoongar rights advocate and CEO of Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation, Robert Eggington has gathered together with several prominent Nyoongars, and a large number of the Nyoongar community, to announce their own Native Title proposals for the state government to consider.


The south west of WA is drying up - climate change everywhere

Gerry Georgatos

This summer the south west of Western Australia has experienced a record series of heatwaves - eight, and climate trends during the last four decades show a rise in temperatures and a drying climate. According too the Weather Bureau and CSIRO WA's south west is drying faster than other part of the country and scientists say it will have a transforming effect on agriculture and the habitats, and there will be an increased risk of bushfires.


What Monsanto doesn't want you to know

Monsanto is launching its latest war against good, healthy food -- but we have an opportunity to fight back.

Monsanto’s first genetically modified (GM) corn for direct human consumption has toxins built right into the plant's DNA, and could be on dinner plates soon -- sold unmarked, unlabelled, and untested on humans. Monsanto’s first foray into selling this potentially toxic GM corn straight to consumers is taking place in the U.S., but if they succeed, they won’t stop there.

Violence breeds violence, police brutality is just not on, shouldn't be!

Some call for police to stop investigating police, others call for just common decency, when will police be brought into line with the rest of us, and for their sakes too, in being held accountable for behaviour that just makes it too difficult for us to trust in each other?

Fukushima Disaster - One Year Later

Government lies, Tokyo radioactive, 3 out-of-control reactors. News from nuclear expert Arnold Gundersen to Vancouver conference March 11th, plus reports of citizen activism in Japan, as parents measure radiation in their air, food, and children.

Reports from Aya Marumori & Wataru Iwata of CRMS from Fukushima.

Bottom line: when disaster strikes (whether nuclear, hurricanes, floods, etc) - big government hides the truth, and will not help. We have to organize and act as local communities to survive.