
Apple spin

By SumOfUs

The fight to improve the treatment of workers in Apple’s supply chain is going to be a long, hard one – and it’s going to be fought on the shifting sands of PR spin, against one of the most sophisticated corporate media apparatuses in history.

WA Police said they helped 437 at-risk youths in three months

WA Police said they helped 437 at-risk youths in three months

Gerry Georgatos

The Office of the Police Commissioner of Western Australia said that its focus on vulnerable youth has been working, and that more than 400 at-risk youths have been taken off the streets after dark.

A police spokesman said they had implemented the operation to protect the best interests of vulnerable youth and the community, with Operation Safe Place.

WGAR News: NITV Current Affairs present the Stronger Futures Forum shot on location in Maningrida

Newsletter date: 3 March 2012

* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention legislation
* NITV Current Affairs present the Stronger Futures Forum
* Amnesty International Australia: Lobby your MP for homelands
* Speeches from Parliament House Canberra protest against new NT Intervention legislation
* National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples: Aboriginal Communities now subject to 15 Years of Intervention
* New website: "Sovereign Union - National Unity Government"
* The Wire: Indigenous call for help reaches the community

Justice is now completely UNJUST

The Australia Corporate Government and its Companies over a 27 year period have removed every single one of my Human Right. Every human rights written - that includes any treaty covenant- Declaration of Human Rights
In amongst them all is the right to fair and just legal representation. Sedition orders which read 'no assistance to be given' are seen often.

My post is written in sincerity, it is a much needed ADVERTISEMENT seeking A highly ethical, fearless SOLICITOR AND BARRISTER who can find the guts to stand up in the High court and represent my case as it deserves to be.


HRA media release: This is why we risk the high seas! & the Federal Government Cabinet wants more of this told to the Australian peoples

The Human Rights Alliance (HRA) has long warned of maltreatment and detention centre deaths in Malaysia and Indonesia. The HRA has long warned of more deaths to come in Australian detention centres as a result of unnecessarily long incarceration or waiting periods in immigration detention.

The HRA can reveal its well placed sources in federal government have confirmed that the Cabinet has discussed the death of the 28-year-old Afghan (Hazara) man, who was among a group of five who escaped from the Pontianak detention centre, Kalimantan, Indonesia, on Sunday.

Climate denial investigation - while scientists muzzled Dr. John Mashey investigates right-wing billionaires & corporations who pay alleged "charities", bloggers, & old weathermen to deny climate science. Some of that propaganda money went to New Zealand and Australia. Then Canadian journalist Margaret Munro on government muzzling scientists, plus update by UCS Francesca Grifo on science freedom in U.S.
CD Quality of this Radio Ecoshock report (56 MB) here:

Global Intelligence Files reveal charges drawn up against Julian Assange

The Age has reported that the leaked emails from Stratfor, known as the Global Intelligence Files, reveal that secret charges have indeed been drawn up by the U.S. Government against Julian Assange.

The Age reports:

Wikileaks press conference: Global Intelligence Files

WikiLeaks held a press conference after it began releasing The Global Intelligence Files, or G.I. Files, a collection of over 5 million emails from intelligence company Stratfor on the 27/2/2012

Global Intelligence Files on the Wikileaks Website