
Survival urges UN to end Andamans scandal

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, February 16, 2012 - - Five years after the UN first called on India to close the Andaman Trunk Road (ATR), Survival International is urging the organization to bring an end to human safaris by speaking out for a second time.

India ignored the UN’s call in 2007 to ‘implement the 2002 order of the Indian Supreme Court to close sections of the Andaman Trunk Road’; thereby allowing the exploitation of the Jarawa to continue.

However, in recent months, a series of articles by a British newspaper have put the issue under international scrutiny.

The Shortwave Report 02/17/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 17) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Top-down, bureaucratic neo-liberalism is threatening the Christchurch rebuild - an ethical human rights is needed.

Top-down, bureaucratic neo-liberalism is threatening the Christchurch rebuild -

an ethical human rights is needed.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.

I consider an ethical, ‘bottom-up’ approach to human rights and development, emphasizing small/medium business development, would enable Christchurch to make the most of its opportunities (And I also think this should be extended to the rest of the country and the world).

I believe this approach will eventually replace neo liberalism.

Ethical human rights, development, globalization needed to replace neoliberalism

Ethical human rights, development and globalization is needed to replace Neoliberalism.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.

The world takes action for Tasmania's forests

An incredible show of world wide support saw over 70 actions across 14 countries in 24 hours calling for an end to the destruction of Tasmania's forests.

People gathered to hold banners in snow filled streets, images of the forest were projected onto town buildings, handmade signs were held up in backyards, some stood as silent statues dressed in green, while some took the action to their local area of forest destruction in solidarity and others asked passers-by to 'have a heart for Tassie's forests.'

Arctic emergency a global threat

Seven out of thirteen climate tipping points are in the Arctic, says Dr. Carlos Duarte from the University of Western Australia. He leads off this Radio Ecoshock special look into a double-headed emergency frightening Arctic experts.

There is a growing wave of unease, even panic. Our fossil fuel civilization may be accelerating straight off the cliff of mass extinction.

Will the rapid rise in Arctic temperatures, and the disappearance of summer sea ice, trigger a runaway climate change, and a mass extinction event?


Top-down, bureaucratic neo liberalism is threatening the Christchurch rebuild - an ethical human rights approach is required.

Top-down, bureaucratic neo-liberalism is threatening the Christchurch rebuild – an ethical human rights approach is required.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.,
Auckland City.

I consider an ethical, ‘bottom-up’ approach to human rights and development, emphasizing small/medium business development, would enable Christchurch to make the most of its opportunities (And I also think this should be extended to the rest of the country and the world).

I believe this approach will eventually replace neo liberalism.

Observations at 64 mp3

various issues in collage and commentary

404 Freedom not found, Onion News, And now a word from the economy herself, Perplex Mobil, Mama Economy, Mark Kaye, Gorka global economy, Gina Rinehard - Hungry Beast File, 'America' Dan Bull, payed to be flooded, Monckton proposes mining industry news ventures in Australia, Dropout Ninja-Saddhu Hippie-Samba Sage phenomenom in ermerging economies, Westminster System fails Australia

Billion dollar 'Native Title' offer to 37,000 Nyoongars

Kain wangka nyuny wangka nitja boodjar noonar nyinniny. The first thing I need to say, this is my family's land that you're sitting in - Len Collard. Kura, yeye, boordawan boolaya Nyoongar moort kaditj nitja. From the past, today and in the future, this is our country, so the people know this - Len Collard.