
Syria: No to foreign intervention

Statement 26th Feb 2012 Stop the War Coalition opposes sanctions against Syria – steps towards a military intervention – by the United States, Israel, NATO or any other foreign power.

We oppose the violence by the Syrian state and the armed mercenaries and agent provocateurs which, in many cases, are being supported by foreign powers.

Why are so many progressive Australians backing another war of U.S. Imperialism in Syria?

Over the last few weeks I have been sent by email or seen on Facebook many appeals calling for “International Action” in Syria. They have come from organisations such as AVAAZ, Amnesty USA but I have even seen one from Occupy Melbourne. Those appeals have been posted by people I consider to be progressive. Many of these people would definitely consider themselves anti-war and would have opposed the invasion of Iraq in 2003 by the U.S. and the “Coalition of the Willing”.

The Shortwave Report 02/24/12 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (February 24) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

Truth does matter - Apology owed

Gillard and Rudd are products of the me-generation. They do not comprehend that politics is a calling.

Gorton was removed by his party. Whitlam was removed by the Governor-General and the CIA. Hayden was displaced by Hawke. Keating and Hawke tussled bitterly. There was bitterness however like Costello they predominately put the nation's interests first and stepped back.

Latham is another product of the me-generation.

Apple workers dying on the job

Whether or not you're an Apple user, it is hard to deny that the brand has revolutionised information technology. Apple is the biggest company in the world, and the millions of people who buy iPhones and iPads make Apple’s investors very rich -- in January they announced a record-breaking 44.1% profit for last quarter and are sitting on $100 billion in cash.

Ireland faces decision on whether to ban live hare coursing

Ireland’s parliament, the Dail, will before June debate a Bill aimed at banning the cruel practice of live hare coursing.
If the Bill, proposed by independent members of parliament, is passed, the horrific blood sport in which hares (better known as Jack Rabbits to North Americans) are used as live bait for greyhounds will become illegal and the long suffering Irish Hare will be protected from this organized cruelty.

The National Indigenous Times - this Wednesday's Feb 22 edition - the office of our Prime Minister

The Office of the Prime Minister is distressed.

For months our sources have accurately described the unfolding events on the Australian political landscape.

In the February 1 and 8 editions of The National Indigenous Times our source(s) claims were published about the alleged extensiveness of the role of the Office of the Prime Minister in the Australia Day Lobby restaurant incident. There has been no formal apology from the Office of the Prime Minister to Aboriginal peoples for the imputations and aspersions cast upon them on that day and by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Robert Green jailed by corrupt Scottish judicary

ss Release: Robert Green Jailed by Corrupt Scottish Judicary

Robert Green - Hollie Demands Justice campaigner jailed today in Scotland.

The Hollie Demands Justice campaign very much regrets the decision today of the Sheriff Court in Stonehaven to deprive Robert Green of his Liberty.