
SA government must act now to save lives

SA government must act now to save lives

Gerry Georgatos

"Parents bury their children, and the whole community grieves for yet another young life lost.
These deaths are slowly tearing us apart," said Adelaide Elder Tauto Sansbury.

Earlier this year, the news media highlighted the tragedy of 8 Aboriginal deaths in 13 days in Adelaide, most of them children - from January 1 to January 13.

No-one in government cares enough about Aboriginal peoples

No-one in government cares enough about Aboriginal peoples

Gerry Georgatos

Well placed sources, including parliamentarians, in the Australian Labor Party, the Coalition, and the Greens have made surprising comments that issues afflicting Aboriginal peoples and 'Aboriginal affairs' are in the 'too hard basket' or 'best swept under the carpet'.

Stolen wages remain stolen

Gerry Georgatos

The Stolen Wages campaigns are struggling in the finding of justice for families of those long gone and for those with little time left on this earth.

From WA, Yamatji Phil Moncrief said, "(These are) simple cut and dried cases. A social justice run up the mountain of corruption is what it is - it does not get much easier than to get the justice done here." However, the Stolen wages remain stolen for far too many people, their families and/or their descendants.

YES, there are numbats in Warrup

by Gerry Georgatos Conservationists have been campaigning to save what they say is WA's largest numbat colony in Warrup. The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) had been denying such a colony existed.

The conservationists have called for a halt to logging in Warrup after finding what they say is irrefutable evidence of endangered numbats living near the logging in Warrup.


Lobbygate - "The Prime Minister would have to resign"

By Gerry Georgatos
The Office of the Prime Minister continues to deny any involvement in sparking the Lobby restaurant incident - and their official spokesperson claims that Tony Hodges went rogue and acted alone. Two separate well placed sources in government and who are close to the Office of the Prime Minister have said that Mr Hodges did not act alone and that indeed the Office of the Prime Minister was extensively involved.


Ethical human rights likely to be many children's and freedom's last hope in New Zealand.

Ethical human rights likely to be many children’s and freedom’s last hope in New Zealand.

Professor Paul Hunt, a New Zealander now at Essex University (UK), who was guest speaker at the AGM of the Human Rights Foundation last Wednesday, said that while he personally would like to see children’s rights included in New Zealand’s law that this is unlikely to occur in the near future.

The culture of our parliament and public bodies also certainly seems to devalue the children (see below). In fact, in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 children are not even entitled to a ‘name’.

Biggest ever environmental rally in Malaysia - Against Australian company Lynas Pty Ltd

Australia’s Lynas Rare Earth Plant made history in Malaysia today when a nationwide rally to stop the project occurred. An estimated 20,000 citizens together with Malaysian civil society organisations converged in Kuantan for a rally to protest against the Lynas project and to demand for a clean and safe future for Malaysia. The Stop Lynas campaign has escalated into the biggest ever environmental issue for the country. Participants arrived from all over the country including the east Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak.
Related: -- Rally footage on Youtube -- Coverage in The Age
