
WGAR News: First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty - Rosalie Kunoth-Monks sets out a brighter vision: STICS

Newsletter date: 26 March 2015


* Please Watch: NITV, Channel 34: Friday, 27 March 2015 at 7.30pm: NITV will broadcast a one hour program titled 'Opinion Piece - Women Speak Out For Treaty'
* Video: NITV News: "First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty" - Rosalie Kunoth-Monks at Redfern Forum
* Video: STICS: First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty: Videos from the Event

Is Mike Baird’s Public Housing Plan “Elaborate Spin”?


It sounds great! A new $1 Billion dollar fund to create more public housing.

Finally the government is taking affordable housing seriously.

Premier Mike Baird even signed an agreement with the peak welfare body NCOSS promising to work in collaboration with the community sector on the issue.

Finally someone is doing something to reduce the massive waiting lists for public and social housing in NSW (59,000 households are on the list, waiting for up to 15 years).

But there’s a catch.


dreaming beyond - colours of redfern rally and march.

Date and Time: 
Sat, 21/03/2015 -
9:00pm to 10:00pm
Contact Name: 
ray jackson
Contact Phone: 
0450 651 063
Contact Email:

today i was contacted by redfern police that they had a problem with our s1, previously posted, setting out our intention to rally at the block then march to redfern park to inform the public of the relationship between deicorp and the ceo of the aboriginal housing company to forgo the building of low-cost accommodation at the block in favour of constructing a multi-story tower, similar to the two that deicorp constructed opposite redfern station, on the block.


WGAR News: Upcoming STICS Forum: First Nations Women Speak out for Treaty - Guest Speakers: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Amy McQuire, Amala Groom & Natalie Cromb

Newsletter date: 3 March 2015


* Upcoming Event: Fri 20 March 2015 STICS Forum: First Nations Women Speak out for Treaty [Guest Speakers: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Amy McQuire, Amala Groom & Natalie Cromb]

* Manifesto: National Aboriginal Freedom Movement: Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands

Clover Moore and The Homeless


Dear Clover

I have read with concern about what happened at Wentworth Park and while I don't believe anything I read in The Daily Telegraph, I am still troubled by what the council did. (I know the stupid Tele attacks anything you do)

I read the statement on your website but it didn't really answer my worries.

You said that you didn't move anyone on or kick them out but why insist that they can't even have a tent?


Forum: NSW Criminal Justice and Prison Systems

Pre-Election Public Forum

NSW Criminal Justice and Prison Systems 

Where: Hall of Assembly, The University of Sydney, 173 Phillip Street, Sydney 

When: Tuesday, 17th February 2015, 5 - 7:45pm

All political parties have been sent the Questionnaire, their responses have been documented and will be discussed at the forum. The following parliamentarians have agreed on behalf of their parties to respond. 

Chair The Hon. John Dowd AO QC  

Attorney-General and Minister of Justice for NSW - for Liberals


WGAR News: Invasion Day / Survival Day Rallies and Marches Across Australia: NITV News; SBS News; Occupy Sydney

Newsletter date: 28 January 2015


* Video: NITV News - 26 January 2015: Invasion Day Marches and Rallies in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
* Video: SBS News: 'Survival Day' marked across Australia
* News: Occupy Sydney: Invasion/Survival Day Rallies Across Australia

* Hobart
-- News: Daniel McCulloch, The Examiner: Change the date campaign ramps up

WGAR News: The day I don't feel Australian? That would be Australia Day: Chelsea Bond, The Conversation

Newsletter date: 27 January 2015


* Video: NITV News - 26 January 2015: Invasion Day Marches and Rallies in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane