
Greenpeace activists say coal ship highlights 'Reef in danger'

Greenpeace activists targeted a bulk coal carrier in Gladstone harbour early this morning. They painted 'reef in danger' on the side of the ship around dawn from two inflatable boats to highlight the massive expansion of coal port facilities and shipping through the World Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef. The action was undertaken to highlight the threat to the Greet Barrier Reef from industrial development and expansion to a UNESCO team visiting Queensland to assess the dangers to the Great Barrier Reef and it's World Heritage status.

Related: Greenpeace Report -Boom Goes the Reef: Australia’s coal export boom and the industrialisation of the Great Barrier Reef (PDF) | Greenpeace - Live Action! A painted picture for UNESCO


Conflict at night as Japanese whaling vessels harass lone Sea Shepherd ship

Conflict at night on the high seas of the southern ocean whale sanctuary as two Japanese harpoon ships harass Sea Shepherd activists on board the Bob Barker in an attempt to throw them off the tail of the Nisshin Maru whaling factory ship. The weapons in this mini conflict were Tow lines, lasers, spotlights and rockets (flares). The harassment occurred as night was rapidly falling with snow flurries in the air, and within hours of the Bob Barker sighting the Nisshin Maru.

Related youtube videos: Sea Shepherd: The Japanese whaling fleet attacks the Bob Barker - March 5, 2012 | ICR: Bob Barker fires rockets at Yushin Maru 2 - March 5, 2012


We are lucky Bob Carr was not appointed Indigenous Affairs Minister!

Gerry Georgatos

Former NSW premier, Bob Carr, autocratically selected by Prime Minister Julia Gillard, without it going to a vote of even the Cabinet, to fill the vacant Senate position meant Warren Mundine, who lobbied for the senatorial vacancy was overlooked - and who would have been the first ALP Aboriginal federal parliamentarian in the hundred year history of the party. The Prime Minister has publicly said that she values Mr Carr’s advice and that she has often consulted him on a range of issues.


How Australia’s right to know is being systematically perverted and denied!

Is there a recent issue in Australian politics, which has been more reported to death, bored and offended us more than Kevin udd’s planned comeback as Prime Minister? How many times has the media reported Kevin Rudd’s renewed leadership ambitions and the fact he was convinced he was a better PM than Julia Gillard?


“Stronger Futures will kill us”


The federal government’s special measures under the proposed Stronger Futures laws “will kill Aboriginal people”, a forum in Maningrida, broadcast by National Indigenous Television (NITV), heard from an Elder.


National Day of Action against uranium: March 11

March 11 marks one year since the devastating earthquake and tsunami that ravaged northern Japan. It is one year since the start of the meltdowns at Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant. An Australian National day of Action Against Uranium is planned for March 11 to commemorate the commencement of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.


Brisbane forum: The War on Wikileaks

The release of millions of Stratfor documents by Wikileaks this week has shown the world the gross injustice being meted out on Julian Assange for his part in establishing the Wikileaks institution in an attempt to make democracy accountable.

Related:National Rally Alert


Nyoongar Tent Embassy - 1 Nyoongar Way, Mattagarup - the story to date

Police move in to smash the spirit of Nyoongar Tent Embassy

by Gerry Georgatos
Following Thursday evening when 60 police officers marched into Nyoongar Tent Embassy to pull down and confiscate tents, and which included an arrest, the Western Australian police force flexed its muscle once again on the Friday afternoon on behalf of the Perth City Council and the Barnett state government.


Warren Mundine's brave face but gutted - our source correct about Senator Bob Carr!

Gerry Georgatos Former ALP president and Bandjalung man, Warren Mundine is putting on a brave face after being denied the opportunity to become the first Aboriginal federal Labor politician.


Support growing for national unity government

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 1 March 2012 - - There have been many offers of financial and in kind support from individuals and groups very interested in engaging with the Aboriginal movement to form a national unity government, says Euahlayi activist, Michael Anderson. The movement was launched at the recent 40th anniversary corroboree of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, of which Anderson is the last survivor of the four men who set it up in 1972.
