
Renters stress hits the Blackwood - time for a renters alliance Australia-wide

Gerry Georgatos
We have all heard about mortgage stress however renters' stress has received comparatively little mention according to Lea Keenan, coordinator of the WA Renters Alliance. Ms Keenan said that rising rents are not confined to Perth and the north west however "are just as out of control in the south west."


Source spills beans on government (PMO) scandals

Gerry Georgatos
The National Indigenous Times was informed some weeks back of the scandal surrounding the Speaker of Parliament, Peter Slipper, the member for Fisher and former barrister and businessperson.

A source close to the Office of the Prime Minister said that the scandal "was in the works, would soon surface, and just like the Lobby restaurant incident that went on for a little while having pearshaped on the government, the Prime Minister and crew are in overdrive behind the scenes to shore up the government against looming threats from this latest scandal-in-waiting."


How many more suicides before we open our eyes and ears?

Gerry Georgatos
Kabi Kabi Elder, and Bundaberg campus coordinator Nulloo Yumbah at Central Queensland University, Cheri Yavu-Kama-Harathunian said she is devastated by the rising disenfranchisement of Aboriginal youth, and the world's highest suicide rates - of Australia's Aboriginal children.

"Across my desk came a study that reported 'the number of completed Indigenous suicides (in the Kimberley) last year exceeded the Australian Defence Force fatalities in Afghanistan'. I cannot comprehend this statement. It is too much," said Mrs Yavu-Kamu-Harathunian.


Aboriginal nations want all Murray-Darling water licenses scrapped

Weilmoringle, northwest NSW, 17 April - - A group of 21 Aboriginal nations who have coalesced in the northern Murray Darling Basin are demanding that all water licences be revoked and that the rivers’ water be dealt with from a base of Aboriginal sovereignty, dominion and ultimate title.

The Northern Murray Darling Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) call on all state and federal governments involved in the rivers system to allocate 100% of all environmental flows in the northern basin as cultural flows.


Secret Afghan-Australian agreement exposed - plans to keep our troops in Afghanistan long term

Defense Minister Stephen Smith recently took a trip to Afghanistan, with a range of reasons cited in the Defense Department media release. What wasn't mentioned there - or anywhere else by the Gillard government - was the finalising of a draft Australian/Afghan Strategic Agreement for post 2014, due to be signed in just five weeks. That was discovered by Melbourne peace activist Simon Moyle in a tweet from TOLOnews, an Afghan news organisation. It appears the Gillard government is keeping this agreement under wraps, hoping no one will notice. After Simon emailed to some journos the story ran in the Age on the 14th of April.

Spread the word: post the Age article to social media, and tell everyone you know that this is happening, we have about a month to cause a ruckus that might bring some transparency, and then accountability.


Our Generation is a powerful and upfront documentary on the Aboriginal struggle for their land, culture and freedom

Our Generation is a powerful and upfront documentary on the Aboriginal struggle for their land, culture and freedom – a story that has been silenced by the Australian Government and mainstream media. Driven by the remote Yolngu of Northeast Arnhem Land, one of the last strongholds of traditional Aboriginal culture in Australia, as well as the voices of national indigenous leaders, historians and human rights activists, the film explores the ongoing clash of cultures that is threatening to wipe out the oldest continuing culture in the world.


'Australia Day' and 'ANZAC Day'

By George Venturini

Australia’s official “history is an account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers, mostly knave, and soldiers, mostly fools.” - With apologies to Ambrose Bierce, American writer, 1842-1914.

The end of January is the hottest time of the year in Australia. And almost every year, 26 January, Australia’s National Day, is a very hot day.


Interim conclusions from a PhD researcher in Australian Deaths in Custody

Gerry Georgatos
As my PhD progresses in researching Australian Deaths in Custody - I have visited Immigration Detention Centres - visited adult prisons - interviewed former detainees of the Immigration detention centres network - interviewed former prisoners of adult custodial jurisdictions.


Wedge tactics by WA government to water down Aboriginal Heritage Act

Gerry Georgatos
The West Australian government will attempt to water down the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 to make it easier for government and big business to secure the "assessments they want" of Aboriginal historical and cultural sites.

Aboriginal Elders and advocates have spoken about their fears that the only intention of this move by the state government is to keep on building assimilationist policies, to railroad Aboriginal folk and in effect extinguish customary and historical rights to the benefit or miners, big business and state and local government projects.


Brisbane Sovereign Embassy: We need a 'Bran nu Dae'

National Indigenous Radio 23rd March 2012  Brisbane Sovereign Embassy, Musgrave Park | Location Map - Musgrave Park-- Interview ABC Radio 612 30 March -- Sydney Morning Herald: Pitching camp for a cultural cause - -
Related: Moree joins the list as Tent Embassies spread

The founder of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Brisbane says Indigenous people need to be heard on the issue of sovereignty. Musgrave Park in South Brisbane is the site of the third Aboriginal embassy to be set up across the country, with others already operating in Canberra and Perth.
