
Lizard's Revenge - Shut Down Roxby 14.7.2012

Recently BHP Billiton announced it proposal to expand the Olympic Dam Uranium Mine in South Australia to become the largest open pit and uranium mine in the world. Traditional owner Uncle Kevin Buzzacott and activist/musician Izzy Brown are organizing the Lizard's Revenge. On 14th July people are gathering for three days to shut down Roxby Downs which is irreversibly poisoning the land and water, contaminating its workers and spreading its deadly export to the Fukishimas of tomorrow and to war zones in the form of Depleted Uranium. As well as blockading the Lizard Festival will include solar and wind powered cinema, Theatre, Cabaret and Art installations, and over 20 musical acts.

Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old lizard, Kalta the sleepy lizard. The lizard ain't so sleepy anymore. Stand up and boogie down at the Gates of Olympic Dam 14th July 2012

Related Interview with organiser Izzy Brown -- Lizard's Revenge on Facebook -- Lizard's Revenge Indymedia event -- RoxStop Action Website -- May 18th Perth Dinnner and Talk -- June 2nd Sydney Fundraiser -- Road trip for change: July 3rd-20th

The Australian prison system has failed; warehouses of illness & death. Bring on Bastoy for starters

Gerry Georgatos
If you want to know the hearts and minds of a nation, of its consciousness, of its legislators, then day and night look into our prisons.

The two century old modern day prison experiment is failing, that is if we look at the spiralling incarceration rates, adult and youth, and if we look at re-offending rates, the recidivism.

My PhD research argues that people who enter the prison experience, who are incarcerated for relatively short or long terms leave the prison experience worse than they came in.


Australia's South West forests dying - death of trees world-wide

Gerry Georgatos
Disease and drought are threatening iconic South West forests, including Warrup, Yabberup, Arcadia, Kingston-Perup - in fact the whole region. Murdoch University researchers and international scientists are warning that thousands of Marri trees throughout the South West, including in the wineries regions, are dying or are already dead.

Professor Giles Hardy and Dr George Matusick from Murdoch University's Centre of Excellence for Climate Change Woodland and Forest Health said they are dying from the devastating from of tree cancer know as Marri canker.


Control bill pushed to target Aboriginal peoples and to erode civil liberties

Gerry Georgatos
Australia-wide Aboriginal organisations, communities and rights advocates are more than just apprehensive of the consolidated push by State and Territory governments for the introduction of Criminal Association Control Bills better known as anti-association laws – in Western Australia, the Criminal Organisation Bill 2012 appears that it will be passed and within days.


Turning a deaf ear to hearing losses in Aboriginal peoples - very little is being done

Gerry Georgatos
For several decades it has been known that Aboriginal children are more likely to suffer hearing loss than non-Aboriginal children and it is now a crisis with more neglect from governments the only response say rights advocates and various professionals.


Blocking the abusers: New comment moderation policy on Australian Indymedia

A steady and swelling inflow of racist and otherwise abusive comment to this site has prompted us to take protective action. We had to choose between keeping the site open and quickly responsive, at the risk of being overwhelmed by the abusers, or putting up some barriers that might slightly inconvenience the visitors who do the right thing.

We, the editorial collective, the small group of people who run this site, have opted to put in some restrictions.Just as we do with articles, we now look at comments before we allow them to appear or bin them.


Reinstate Domino's Pizza drivers' wages

"This proactive approach is about ensuring we our operating our business ethically and in the best interests of our valuable team members,'' a statement from chief executive Don Meij in regard an audit on driver wages held in February.

It appears Domino's only uses these words it doesn't mean them.

Domino's have cut the wages for delivery drivers affecting thousands of delivery drivers across the country.



Veterans group condemns hollow remembrance on ANZAC Day

"You do not honor the dead through mindless flag waving, rewriting history or promoting new wars," said Hamish Chitts, East Timor veteran and spokesperson for Stand Fast -- a group of veterans and former military personnel who oppose the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Our NSW police are just too deadly!" - Ray Jackson

Gerry Georgatos
Sydney's Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA) held a rally outside the NSW state parliament in protest to the recent spate of perceived police brutality and to the five deaths in police custodial incidents in NSW.
