
Concern for Iranian refugees on hunger strike in Broadmeadows Detention Centre

Refugee activists have raised concerns for the welfare of two Iranian refugees currently on hunger strike in the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accomodation centre in Broadmeadows, after one refugee, on hunger strike now for 6 days, was found lying by the fence.

Related: SOS for Refugees - Vigil at Broadmeadows gives hope to those detained


Forest Rescue activists board Japanese whaling ship in solidarity with Sea Shepherd

In the early hours of Sunday, January 8, three forest rescue activists boarded the Japanese whaling fleet security vessel Shonan Maru No 2 off Bunbury, Western Australia as an act of solidarity with Sea Shepherd in their campaign to stop Japanese commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. While in the Antarctic Sea Shepherd activists from the Bob Barker continue to pursue and harass the main whaling fleet.

Related: Sea Shepherd Media Release - Three Australian prisoners detained on a Japanese whaler in Australian waters | Captain Paul Watson on Forest Rescue men go out on a limb for Sea Shepherd


Species biodiversity under threat from the velocity of climate change

Scientists have been able to calculate the velocity of climate change on land and ocean environments using temperature records to determine isotherms and their change in a fifty year period from 1960 to 2009. So how fast are climate envelopes moving? The general median answer is 27.3 km/decade on land, and 21.7 km/decade in the ocean. This equates to a speed needed to outrun climate change on land (2.7 kilometers per year) and in the oceans (2.2 kilometers per year). This rate of movement of thermal climate envelopes poses problems for species facing a high speed migration, or a difficult and abrupt adaptation or extinction.

Related: Indybay - Climate change and habitat loss threaten biodiversity, extinction rate underestimated | Science Network WA - Rare frog population sent to the South-West


Aboriginal Tent Embassy – Canberra, January 26-28 – “We will not leave till justice, at long last, is done”

Aboriginal embassy.jpg•Thousands to camp at Aboriginal Tent Embassy
•Thousands to stay till racism and discrimination are eliminated
•The Intervention must end immediately
•The full suite of funding and services to all Aboriginal communities must be met
•The intentions of Native Title to be upheld, and more

By Gerry Georgatos On the midnight morning of January 27, 1972, at shy of 1am a beach umbrella was planted on a lawn in front of Parliament House in Canberra, and as dawn broke so did the news go national. History was raised - this was the onset of 'Aboriginal Tent Embassy'


Eight killed in protest against Australian gold mining in Indonesia

by hidup biasa An Indonesian activist website reports eight people killed, hundreds wounded, ten arrested and many hiding after a police attack on protesters demonstrating against a locally working mainly Australian gold mining company. hidup biasa says the attack was on the occupation of Sape port by thousands of residents of Lambu district, Bima regency, West Nusa Tenggara, repressed and forcibly dispersed by police. The occupation, which had continued for five days, was by local people opposing the operations of PT Sumber Mineral Nusantara. The company is 95% owned by an Australian company called Arc Exploration, based in Chatswood, Sydney.

Related: Raw footage of police shooting into crowd -- ABC coverage of the shootings and protests | WALHI (FoE Indonesia) - Stop The Activity Of Mining & Slaughtering In Bima, Solidarity For Civilians Sby - Boediono Must Take Responsibility | Environmentalists call for Australian government to investigate massacre in Indonesia


Sea Shepherd intercepts Japanese whaling fleet using drone on Christmas day

Sea Shepherd celebrates a christmas for the whales having located the whaling fleet on Christmas eve and intercepted the fleet on Christmas day before a single whale has been killed this season.


Australian solidarity actions for Bradley Manning - December 17th 2011

On December 17th 2011, Bradley Manning turned 24 and his pre-trial hearing began. Bradley has been charged with a variety of offences that related to the release of documents and evidence of war crimes by the U.S. to Wikileaks. On this day an international day of solidarity occured and a number of actions occured in Australia. In Brisbane musicians played in solidarity in the Brisbane Mall. In Sydney a daily vigil during the pre-trial has been organised by the Sydney Stop the War Coalition outside the U.S. Consulate General in Martin Place. In Adelaide a small group gathered to sing Bradley happy birthday and to hand out information on his trial. In London, Australian peace activist Ciaron O'Reilly was amongst solidarity protestors outside the U.S. Embassy. Meanwhile Australin journalist Julian Assange will have the next stage of his appeal against his extradition to Sweden heard on December 20th.
Related:Updates on Brad's trial at www.bradleymanning.org


Save the forests - Save Warrup, Arcadia, the Amazon, all of them

By Gerry Georgatos

Bridgetown-Greenbushes Friends of the Forest (BGFF) are worried that the end is near for Warrup Forest. BGFF coordinated a Warrup Forest twilight rally - more of an information tour - on Saturday, 10 December for interested residents.

70 people coalesced at the old Bridgetown railway station and then by a bus and car pools went into Warrup for the twilight event. Representatives of the Western Australian Forest Alliance (WAFA) and the Conservation Council (CC) were present.


Gillard & the Australian government directly responsible for the tragic drownings off Java

Media release by the Human Rights Alliance Australia owns significant responsibility for yesterday’s tragic sinking of another asylum boat off Java and of the many drownings. Australia should assist in repatriation, counselling and compensation of and for the survivors. The boat was carrying Hazara and Irani refugees. Ms Gillard's push for Indonesia to criminalise those assisting asylum seekers in the passage to our shores is directly responsibly for this sinking and drowning, and for people's desperation.

Neither Indonesia and Australia should be criminalising the seeking of asylum and people should be allowed to map out their journey openly, to travel with various public assistance and in seaworthy boats. The Gillard government has manifest the desperation that gives rise to unseaworthy boats and passage under the cover of the clandestine.
Related:Refugee Action Collective(Vic)Press Release -- Refugee Action Coalition (Sydney)Statement


State-nourished Nazi terror in Germany

How politicians, police and justice system promote fascist terrorism in Germany
[Translation of an article in barricada – Newspaper for autonomous politics and culture]

“Relentless and all-inclusive clarification” of the scandals around the murders by the National Socialist Underground (NSU) is being demanded by politicians across the spectrum from Left Party to Greens to Christian Social Union. “Relentless and all-inclusive clarification” is being promised by the responsible persons in the ministries, the secret services and the police.
