
Xstrata Ulan coal mine expansion required to offset greenhouse gas emissions

In a landmark judgement concerning climate change, a judge in the NSW Land and Environment Court has given approval for the expansion of the Xstrata Ulan coal mine near Mudgee in Central western New South Wales, but conditional on the mine offsetting all of its greenhouse gas emissions generated in mining the coal.

Background: June 2011 - Legal Challenge to Xstrata Ulan Coal mine expansion


The defining phase in our struggle

By Michael Anderson We said it aloud all the time “Sovereignty Never Ceded” and now we can reveal that our sovereignty is real, both as a matter of fact and law. The challenge that is now before us as Peoples is how to put it all into practice. To assert our sovereignty as a right recognised in English law is the political and legal confrontation that we will now face with the Australian governments and territories.
Related: Who deleted the phrase ‘her heirs and successors’? | “Make 2012 the Year of the Last Stand for Justice” | Euahlayi activist expects Aboriginal sovereignty confirmed "over the next few days" | Aboriginal tribal leader off to Europe to challenge Australian sovereignty | Earlier statements


“What do these blacks want? An education? Send them back to the bush where they belong.”

by Gerry Georgatos My father, struggling in his 82nd year of life, never went to school, and who first left home at the age of 13 because of abject and acute poverty, and the effects of war before migrating to Australia near sixty years ago, taught me, the eldest of his six children, to put nothing between myself and what is right. We are a continent apart however in our conversations, as he strains to find the physical strength to muster a yarn, he kindly reminds me of the common good, and that all else does not get people anywhere unless we are prepared to accept divisiveness and inequalities – and in accepting inequality then we accept as natural that the aspiration of humanity is wed by paradoxes - vacuums of inhumanity.


Assange appeals extradition in court today: Brisbane solidarity vigil

Today Julian Assange faces court again to appeal the order to extradite him to Sweden. If his appeal fails he will face court in Sweden within a fortnight.

This is Assanges tenth court appearance since his arrest for questioning in relation to sex crimes in Sweden, over a year ago. Assange has maintained that the charges are politically motivated by Wikileaks release of secret US government documents and video, particularly that that show US military engaged in war crimes.


IRAQ – landmines, bombs, depleted uranium – devastation – children amputees. How you can help.

Gerry Georgatos Riyadh Al-Hakimi was brought to tears watching a small Iraqi child drag himself along the street. The stump of his right leg left a trail in the dust as he dragged his body inch by inch. It was 2003 and Riyadh would soon be on his way to Australia and to a university education; however he vowed to do something for the children of his war-torn homeland. Related: SBS Podcast: Wheelchairs for Iraqi children -- The West Australian newspaper - Helping Iraqi children who are victims of depleted uranium, landmines and war


What have FMG got to hide? Yindjibarndi cameras blocked for “safety” reasons

By Michael Woodley, CEO of Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation Yindjibarndi elders travelled to Fortescue Metal’s Solomon Project mining site on Friday 25 November to brief Registrar of Aboriginal Sites, Kathryn Przywolnik, check on the safety of sacred sites in the path of FMG’s massive blasting program, and video record the impact of FMG mining operations on their culture and land. Related:Unlawful FMG heritage dealing massive sites damage at Solomon Project -- Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation website
Mainstream press coverage: Sydney Morning Herald Coverage -- Australian Mining Coverage


Australia shatters its party on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

by Gerry Georgatos It is indeed now common knowledge that Australian adult prisons are incarcerating children as young as 13. The human rights struggle to free these children from our adult prisons has been an arduous one, with the major obstacle the Australian government and the horrific prejudices and stereotypes they have shoved down throats so as to perceptually modify views. Many have now been freed, some brutally traumatised, one sexually abused, all of them losing some of the form and content of their youth to an unwarranted prison experience.
Related: Christmas at home for Bali boy however Christmas for many Indonesian children will be in Australian adult prisons -- Campaign Facebook page


Speaking out against Obama wars

Report of the Resistance to the visit by US President to Canberra Thursday 17 November 2011 by Graeme Dunstan of Peacebus.com

Good to be standing for peace with friends outside the Parliament, while Obama was inside beating a drum for war in the Pacific. All in all it was an evocative witness, few in number, good in feeling and dramatically artful.

Related: Barack Obama & Julia Gillard: We accuse you of complicity in war crimes | Greenleft - Humphrey McQueen - Obama’s marines not welcome here | Photos from Peter Boyle | Darwin protest against Obama and bases | Christine Assange speaks at the Canberra Rally


How to use a bikelock to save the Great Barrier Reef - protest halts Gladstone dredging

Derec Davies used a bicycle U lock to attach himself to a dredger in Gladstone Harbour this morning. The direct action was taken to protect the Great Barrier Reef against the development of Gladstone harbour liquefied natural gas facilities on Curtis Island to export Coal Seam Gas. Massive Dredging of the Gladstone harbour is occurring which fisherman and environmentalists say is causing turbidity in the water and causing illness of fish effectively closing down the local fishing industry. Development is endangering the World Heritage status of the Great Barrier Reef.

Related: In 2010 Conservationists criticised government over coal ship grounding on Great Barrier Reef near Gladstone | Capricorn Conservation Council: The LNG invasion of Curtis Island | ABC TV Four Corners: Great Barrier Grief | Getup! petition to Save the reef


Call for international day of action to help save the Egyptian revolution and end military jailing

About a week ago Alaa Abd El Fattah was arrested in Cairo and abducted into a military prison. He is one of the best known activists and bloggers of the Egyptian uprising. He was called to appear before a military court to respond to trumped up charges to have stolen weapons on 9 October, to have attacked soldiers and to have called for violent actions. A call out for an international day of action has been made by the No Military Trials for Civilians Movement on 4 November 2011 in Egypt to occur on November 12th to defend the Egyptian revolution and end military trials. They demand the immediate release of Alaa Abd El Fattah and all others incarcerated in military jails. It would be great to see solidarity from the Occupy Movement in Australia on this day for our Egyptian brothers and sisters who have inspired us with their continuing brave struggle for freedom.
