human rights

The challenges of exposing corruption

The question of how to expose corruption or abuse of office within a government has never been a trivial one to answer. This is particularly the case when the tentacles of the government in question extend so deeply into that nation’s media.

The Expendable Project was created to address this with respect to Australia, and to disclose appalling misconduct in the case of Schapelle Corby, a now mentally ill woman enduring her eighth year of twenty in an Indonesian prison, for a crime she patently did not commit.


No right to protest in Melbourne

Victoria Police have a duty under the Charter of Human Rights to protect and promote human rights including the right to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

By following the directions of the Mayor to remove protesting people from a public place, who were causing no fear and damaging no property, Victoria Police have failed to protect and promote human rights.


Rally against racist police brutality and harassment in Parramatta in defence of the Hickey family


Well done to all those who participated in or helped build today's successful rally in Parramatta Mall in defence of the persecuted Aboriginal Hickey family in Riverstone and against racist and anti-working class police violence more generally.

Tomorrow the five adult family/friends will face court for the resumption of their trial on the trumped up charges. We will again be rallying - this time outside Parramatta the court from 9am.


BDS Max Brenner, Melbourne. 15/10/11

I write this to u on the occupied lands of the Wurundjeri ppl and near the lands of the Bunwurrung ppl. Melbourne is again occupied by the ppl and not the corporations.
Victory 1 day one for Occupy Melbourne and the Bans, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Melbourne Central Shopping Centre was shutdown. It has a store owned by the Strauss Group called Max Brenner.
There were great and emotional speeches, covering the reasons to BDS businesses like Max Brenner.


UK Company backs Free West Papua campaign

The huge cosmetics chain LUSH has decided to back the Free West Papua campaign.

100 shops across the UK will be displaying a large poster of the Morning Star flag in their window for the next week, and over 50,000 campaign leaflets and postcards have been produced to distribute to members of the public urging them to take action.

A placard featuring a photo of political prisoner FILEP KARMA will also be placed on pavements outside each store, with the tagline "Jailed for 15 years for raising a flag".

9/11 anniversary: The forgotten victims of terrorism

Brief: This article explores the issues of state’s sponsored terrorism and points out the reality that all weaponry in the 21st century are lethal including those that belt around the human body. Therefore, 21st century is a century for corporation not confrontation…….

Nuclear radiologist exposes myth of medical argument for ‘remote’ waste dump

The Australian Greens today welcomed comments from a leading nuclear radiologist shattering the myth that a waste dump is needed in outback Australia to house low-level radioactive medical waste.

Greens spokesperson for nuclear affairs Senator Scott Ludlam said the comments from Dr Peter Karamoskos, ahead of the Senate debate on the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill, exposed the dishonest campaign to impose a waste dump on Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory.


Australian companies “directly helping” dictatorship in Burma – US diplomats

Media Release: Scott Ludlam, Senator for Western Australia. September 6th, 2011

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks support the Australian Greens’ claim that oil and gas companies investing in Burma are “directly helping to strengthen the military hold on power”.

Greens spokesperson on Burma Senator Scott Ludlam said US diplomats had echoed Greens calls for stronger sanctions against the dictatorship.
