human rights

All children are sacred

The Intervention in the Northern Territory was of course an act of blatant racism. To send the army into indigenous communities to remove children from parents, to cut payments to aboriginals, to abandon the racial Discrimmination Act, to forego our responsibilities under International treaties on human rights, was an affront to the humanity of many Australians, black and white.

Floating DVD Project - Strategies of Struggle From Below

This is a social project done through the sharing of an experimental documentary and the creation of an interactive space to engage with ideas that aren’t normally disseminated, in which people can connect and discuss experiences and their thoughts about various strategies of struggle. You can browse the site, stream or download the documentary, share your experience, read others’ experiences from around the world and debate ideas.

Brisbane transit worker on privatization, the Labor Party & injured bus drivers

Australia Brisbane Transit Worker On Privatization, the Labor Party & Injured Bus Drivers

David Matters, the assistant Vice President of Queensland Rail, Tram
and Bus Union talks about the attack on bus drivers and public workers
in Australia. He discusses the use of privatization to destroy public transit
and the targeting of senior and disabled workers by management to


China: Psychiatric torture of Falun Gong practitioners in hospitals

Twelve years ago, in Beijing, approximately 10,000 Chinese citizens peacefully gathered in Zhongnanhai (central headquarters of the communist government), to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong*1, an ancient Chinese exercise and meditation practice. Under the then dictator, Jiang Zemin, the Chinese Communist Party was ordered on July 20, 1999 to “eradicate” Falun Gong practitioners financially, physically and mentally by any means. Since then, this nonviolent group has undergone the most horrific persecution in modern history.

Assange appeals extradition in court today: Brisbane solidarity vigil

Today Julian Assange faces court again to appeal the order to extradite him to Sweden. If his appeal fails he will face court in Sweden within a fortnight.

This is Assanges tenth court appearance since his arrest for questioning in relation to sex crimes in Sweden, over a year ago. Assange has maintained that the charges are politically motivated by Wikileaks release of secret US government documents and video, particularly that that show US military engaged in war crimes.


Help keep Indymedia and other social and environmental justice orgs online with a donation to Axxs

Indymedia and many other social and environmental justice groups are hosted for free by our friends at

It's a service we tend to take for granted, but it costs Axxs coordinator Dave thousands of dollars each year and many working hours to keep the server running for our groups. He often does pro-bono work for our groups in his own time and is a reliable geek when you need one.

DSP caucus expels dissident WA Socialist Alliance member

A Perth branch meeting of the Australian Socialist Alliance held last November 16th ratified a decision made by the Perth branch executive to expel dissident member Graham Milner, after a motion was rammed through the branch meeting by the executive in Milner's absence. Milner had telephoned the branch convenor, Alex Bainbridge, before the branch meeting to ask Bainbridge to convey his apologies to the other comrades, as he was unable to attend the meeting.


AUSTRALIA: CEASE DISREGARD FOR HUMAN RIGHTS! Change Immigration Detention Policies and Practices!

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, Hear the detainees! Better the lives of refugees immediately! There have been multiple detainees on hungerstrikes, insisting on truth and

freedom of information. The indefinite and uninformed detainment of innocent people is unacceptable, harmful and disregarding human rights.

The situation becomes more pressing everyday. Mental health is at risk and detainees are inlficting self-harm to scream out for attention. Three detainees have sown

their lips shut to express their protest! (nov 22, 2011 Herald Sun) There have been multiple suicide attempts.


Leaked video shows brutal attack on peaceful protest

Leaked video shows the Indonesian military treating indigenous West Papuans like animals.Indonesian security forces, many in plain clothes and wearing crash helmets, are seen randomly firing their weapons and arresting scores of people, many of whom are punched, kicked, beaten or forced to crawl along the ground.

Five Papuans were killed in the incident on October 19.

