
April 5, 2010 - Collateral Murder Tape - April 5, 2014, world's first WikiLeaks parliamentarian

April 5, 2010, WikiLeaks Publishing Organisation downloaded caches of hundreds of thousands of emails and the Collateral Murder Tape, bringing truth to the world. April 5, 2014, Western Australians will have the opportunity to elect the world's 1st WikiLeaks Party parliamentarian and bring truth in and to Government.

Please view this 53 second clip and then please consider sharing it far and wide, day in day out.

Sydney Events: 'Pilger joins Aboriginal activists in renewed fight for rights' STICS Public Forum

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 21 March 2014: various locations internationally
UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
"Racism continues to cause suffering for millions of
people around the world.... I look to all people to join
the United Nations in our drive to eliminate racism.
We must, individually and collectively,

From Sydney to Nantes, resistance & sabotage

On the evening of the 22nd of Feburary we vandalised the local headquarters of VINCI and their subsidiary company 'Advitam' in the Seven Hills industrial zone in western Sydney.
Some windows were cracked, and the slogans: “AGAINST VINCI AND ITS WORLD” &
“THE ZAD IS EVERYWHERE” were painted.

This small act was made in response to a call for actions in solidarity with the monumental struggle in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France, against an airport which Vinci has been contracted to build.

The glorification of World War I and the preparations for World War III - IYSSE Meeting University of Newcastle

Date and Time: 
Wed, 12/03/2014 -
3:00pm to 4:00pm
McMullin Building, Room MCLG42

The glorification of World War I and the preparations for World War III
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand


Antifascist Actions

On the 26th of January in Brisbane, a few members of a fascist sect called the 'Australia First Party' attempted to disrupt the annual invasion day march held by the local indigenous community.

On the same day in Canberra the fuehrer of the party, Jim Saleam (former leader of ‘National Action’ and ’Australian Nazi Party’) gave a podium speech at a protest against the new Bikie laws in Queensland.

Back in December the party held a small rally outside the Greek consulate in Sydney in support of the ultra-nationalist Golden Dawn party.

WGAR News: Survival Day - Andrew Davis' response to Warren Mundine: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 3 February 2014


* WGAR News: Aboriginal Sovereignty Day, Invasion Day and Survival Day Events: Sunday 26 January 2014

* The Stringer: Survival Day - Andrew Davis' response to Warren Mundine

* CAAMA Radio: Mansell shares his thoughts on Australia Day celebrations
[Featuring veteran Tasmanian Aboriginal rights campaigner Michael Mansell]

* Amy McQuire, The Guardian: Australia Day: Indigenous people are told to 'get over it'. It's impossible

* Nakkiah Lui, The Guardian: Australia Day is a time for mourning, not celebration

Anti-racist redecoration

On the evening of January 24 some antifascists reworked a racist mural in Newtown, on a property owned by Sergio Redegalli on the stolen land of the Gadigal people. For the past 4 years he’s been continually repainting islamaphobic statements on his walls which have been vandalised at least a couple hundred times. Despite his expensive security precautions, including numerous CCTV cameras, and motion sensor floodlights, (like many potential targets) it remains easy to attack.

Some actions against 'Australia day'

On the 26th of January, the 226th year since the British Naval fleet of Arthur Philip landed on this territory, we made some modest actions to counter the colonial narrative of 'Australia'. 4 banners denouncing the nationalist holiday were hung from highway bridges in Broadway, Stanmore, Kogarah and Sutherland reading:





Invasion day vandalism

Let no one say the past is dead.
The past is all about us and within
- Oodgeroo Noonuccal 1970

As settlers on stolen land,
we pledge our resistance to the
Australian state and its agents,
whose despotic practices we abhor,
whose police and prisons we despise,
whose laws we shall subvert and disobey.

On the night of January 26th, while drunken nationalists celebrated the 226th anniversary of a British military invasion, some unaustralians vandalised the facade of the Ryde electoral office of Victor Dominello, the state minster for Aboriginal affairs and for citizenship.