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As unemployment bites, unions increase membership, push for paid maternity leave

Union membership has increased by 56,000 according to Bureau of Statistics data released 17 April, with more than 1,750,000 workers being union members and unions now covering 24% of employees (excluding casuals). While union membership is up, unemployment is also up with an official unemployment rate of 5.7%. But according to the Australia Institute the real rate of unemployment may be 11.7 per cent, when 'hidden unemployed' are taken into account.


1st May Global Day of Action Solidarity Rally

Date and Time: 
Fri, 01/05/2009 -
5:30pm to 7:30pm
State Library Swanston St Melbourne
Contact Name: 

March to 8-hour Monument & Trades Hall

may day global day of action

Workers are being sacked, and the bosses walk away with millions. The government tries to stop angry workers from fighting back.

Workers should not be forced to pay for the global capitalist crisis.

The new Australian workplace relations laws are nearly as bad as WorkChoices.

Workers have the right to organise in unions. Again we must defeat a government attacking workers: The Fair Work laws must be changed in line with workers’ demands. The ABCC must be abolished now.


Mayday ASF Picnic at 8-hour day monument

Date and Time: 
Fri, 01/05/2009 -
12:00pm to 3:00pm
corner of Victoria and Lygon Sts in Carlton
Contact Name: 
Melbourne ASF
Contact Phone: 
0404 105 403

Midday ASF Picnic
On May 1st the ASF Melbourne is holding a commemorative picnic 12noon at the 8-hour day monument on the corner of Victoria and Lygon Sts in Carlton and later at 7pm is holding a public meeting to discuss May Day followed by a social event at the Melbourne Anarchist Resource Centre located at 62 St. Georges Rd. Northcote.

The ASF Melbourne has held organised events on May Day every year since 1986.
The Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation Melbourne


Rally for 10c Refunds on Drink Containers

Date and Time: 
Sun, 17/05/2009 -
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Parliament House, Spring St, Melbourne
Contact Name: 
Colleen Hartland MLC
Contact Phone: 
9689 6373

We want 10c Deposits on drink bottles, can & cartons in Victoria!

Join the community rally to turn rubbish into community money and tell
the Victorian government it would:

. be self-funded
. increase recycling rates from 49% to 83%
. save local councils over $15.2 million
. reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 350,000 tonnes per year
. save enough water to supply over 12,500 homes
. create 300-400 new jobs
. provide new recycling services and industries where they are
currently missing


Climate Change Strategy Debate

Date and Time: 
Mon, 20/04/2009 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Coburg Town Hall, 90 Bell Street Coburg
Contact Name: 
Ellen Roberts
Contact Phone: 
0408 583 694


David Spratt & Kelvin Thompson, Labor member for Wills, debate climate change - strategy.

more information from Ellen Roberts
Telephone: 0408 583 694


Rally against the Desal Plant

Date and Time: 
Sat, 09/05/2009 -
10:00am to 3:00pm
Desal Pilot plant site gate, Lower Powlett Rd Wonthaggi
Contact Name: 
Contact Phone: 

“Last chance to have your say – if you build it, we won't pay”


Elder abuse - federal government attacks some of the most vulnerable members of the community

Mannie De Saxe, PO Box 1675, Preston South, Vic 3072
Phone: 03 9471 4878

Elder abuse has been well documented in recent years, covering areas such as abuse in nursing homes, abuse by carers, abuse by partners such as domestic violence, abuse by institutions and abuse by those responsible for management of care for the elderly, frail, sick, disabled.


Protest halts Barrick gold mine operations at Lake Cowal

Protests by the Save Lake Cowal campaign have halted work at the Barrick Gold open pit mine at Lake Cowal, western New South Wales, over the Easter Weekend. Lake Cowal is an ephemeral lake lying in the Lachlan River plain within the Murray-Darling Basin, home to many migratory water birds and sacred sites of the Wiradjuri people.

Twenty Eight people were arrested on Sunday when protestors walked onto the open pit mine closing it down. They were authorised to enter the mine site by Wiradjuri Tradtional Owners.

Sydney Indymedia | Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia) | Save Lake Cowal | Protest Barrick Gold | Background - Lake Cowal Video (2006) | Rainforest Information Centre - Lake Cowal Campaign


Same-sex pensioners set to suffer under law reform

Homosexual Law Reform proposed by the Rudd Government to end discriminatory practices with regard to pensions still has a long way to go according to Mannie De Saxe of Melbourne Lesbian and Gay Solidarity.

According to Mannie "the Federal Government is about to inflict a new method of elder abuse on the Gay Lesbian Transgender and HIV/AIDS communities, particularly those least able to defend themselves against this new form of discrimination, homophobia and other forms of abuse by targeting same-sex aged, disabled and other disadvantaged most vulnerable people."


G20 policing caused man's death: police coverup and media lies

See London Indymedia for G20 reports, timelines and features.

On Wednesday 1st April during a demonstration against the G20 in London, thousands of protestors were trapped inside a police cordon (kettled) where they were baton charged and crushed by the police. Ian Tomlinson, who appears to have been a passer-by, died during this demonstration outside the Bank of England. The police started a coverup immediately, claiming police and medics had been prevented from attending to him, although eyewitnesses reported seeing Ian Tomlinson being attacked by police shortly before his death. The corporate media parroted these police lies even though eyewitness accounts contradicted this video has surfaced clearly showing Ian was viciously assaulted by riot police from behind and violently pushed to the ground. Riot police and members of the Forward Intelligence Team looked on as a protestor attended to him. Minutes after moving away, Mr. Tomlinson collapsed in a nearby alley and died shortly afterwards.


Polar regions feel the heat of climate change

Both the Arctic and Antarctic are experiencing noticeable changes in climate attributed to human induced climate change and global warming. The Arctic Sea Ice extent is still shrinking according to NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center. While the collapse in early April of an ice bridge of the Wilkins Ice Shelf in the Antarctic Peninsula has raised the growing impact of global warming on polar regions.

A world without nuclear weapons is possible

In Prague today before a 20,000 strong crowd US President Obama called for a world without nuclear weapons. There are currently 26,000 nuclear weapons held amoung nine countries. At the Palm Sunday rally in Melbourne Dr Ruth Mitchell from the Medical Association for the Prevention of War spoke detailing the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and the need to keep the pressure on politicians and Governments on this issue. (Photos 1 | Melbourne Protests Photos | Youtube Video )

President Obama told the large crowd in Prague "I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons. This goal will not be reached quickly -- perhaps not in my lifetime. It will take patience and persistence. But now we, too, must ignore the voices who tell us that the world cannot change."


G20 Meltdown Solidarity Melbourne

Date and Time: 
Wed, 01/04/2009 -
1:00pm to 1:30pm
British Consulate 90 Collins Street
Contact Name: 

G20 Meltdown Solidarity Melbourne

Background info:


Activists occupy Hazelwood power station in Earth Hour direct action

"Switch off Coal and Switch on Renewables" was the very clear message being sent to State and Federal Governments this Earth Hour by community climate activists who occupied Hazelwood Power Station in Victoria's Latrobe Valley on Saturday March 28.

View the video -
Switch Off Hazelwood Blog -


Critical Mass cyclists mock Grand Prix

Melbourne Critical Mass has a reputation for visiting the site of the Melbourne Grand Prix, which takes over Albert Park for eight months of the year for staging the Formula 1 race in March.

With the world moving into a period threatened by dangerous climate change due to a failure to curb greenhouse gas emissions, it is about time this event was shown for what it is: a waste of resources, a gross contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and fostering a culture and behaviour of alcohol abuse and unsustainable car use.


Desalinization plant not needed, government told

The Sunday Age has revealed that the State Government was told that with more investment in water saving the desalination plant would not be needed. However if they followed that advice how they could privitize our water and make money for multi-nationals.


Dirty politics with defence minister

Covert investigations operations into a minister by unknown intelligence forces, accusations of allegiances to a foreign communist power. All of this brings back shades of how the defence/intelligence establishment help bring down Whitlam mininsters 30 years ago. What's behind the latest intrusion into our democracy by shadowy intelligence forces?


Aboriginal people brief Barack Obama before he meets Prime Minister Kevin Rudd

Aboriginal people from many parts of Australia, including the Northern Territory homelands, are expressing their strong opposition to their treatment by the Australian Government in statements sent to President Obama this week. Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, a Traditional Owner of Elcho Island said "I am writing to you as a fellow black citizen of the world, to express my concerns about Australian Government policy, both past and present, which has suppressed Aboriginal culture, languages, land, law and its people since invasion over 200 years ago."


Protest in Canberra against net filtering

About 150 people gathered on the lawns of the Federal Parliament House on March 21 to protest the Federal Government's proposed mandatory internet filter. Most of the people who gathered were Canberra locals.

Speakers included John Kaye from the Greens, Fiona Patten from the Sex Party, and Jim Stewart from Search Engine Optimisation company


Newcastle Coal Port closed down by Climate Protestors

Climate protestors have closed down the Port of Newcastle for the day, with a peaceful blockade of coal loading facilities. The Port of Newcastle is the world's largest coal port, transferring coal mined in the Hunter valley for export. Hundreds of protestors gathered at Horseshoe Beach with many launching kayaks, canoes and small boats to blockade the harbour. Newcastle Port Corporation cancelled all ships coming into the harbour for the day due to safety concerns.


March in March against the Government's Internet Filter

Date and Time: 
Sat, 21/03/2009 -
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Parliament House side of Federation Mall, Canberra
Contact Name: 
Digital Liberty Coalition

March in March is an upbeat event to give people an opportunity stand up, be heard, and hold the government accountable for their plans of forcing mandatory censorship on a very unwilling public.

With a mix of live entertainment of bands and DJs, speakers from all sides of the political spectrum and other special guests, the day will be topped off with the annual Canberran Skyfire Festival, just for us ... okay, maybe not.


UN report: Forests rapidly vanishing

World Forests are disappearing rapidly according to the 2009 State of the World's Forests report by the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). The report notes that expansion of large-scale monocultures of oil palm, soy and other crops for agrofuel production has been a key factor in the failure to halt deforestation.


Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Global Gourmet Fair

Date and Time: 
Sun, 22/03/2009 -
10:30am to 4:00pm
12 Batman Street, West Mellbourne
Contact Name: 
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Contact Phone: 
03 93266006

Come along and see this great lineup free as well as feast on all the Global goodies.
WHEN; This SUNDAY 10.30am until 4pm at 12 Batman Street, West Mellbourne. See you there....

The Joelenes
They played for us last year... and they were such a hit that they're back! These sweet talking cowgirls and cowboys know a thing or two about harmonies, thigh-slappin and foot tapping. So put your cowboy hats on for the Joelenes!



Ranger uranium mine contaminating Kakadu

The Ranger Uranium Mine in Kakadu is leaking 100,000 litres of contaminated water from the tailings dam everyday, according to the Commonwealth supervising scientist, Alan Hughes.

Uranium tailings are the residues from the mining process and contain around 80 per cent of the radioactivity of the original ore. According to the Australian Conservation Foundation they pose a long term hazard to humans, animals and plants.


Melbourne Social Forum: In the Hothouse

The 2009 Melbourne Social Forum 'In the Hot-house' festival is
shaping up to be our biggest and best event to date. It's on between
Friday 17th and Sunday 19th April and we are calling out for your
involvement. Run a workshop, hold a stall, volunteer, help promote &
importantly, attend. All the details on how to get involved are below.
Put it in your diary now.


Friday 17th April, 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm Room 11.01 (11th Floor)

Victoria University City Campus, 300 Flinders St
