The Stringer

WGAR News: Memorial for Freedom Fighters: Dylan Clarke, Living Black Radio; featuring Aunty Carolyn Briggs

Newsletter date: 4 February 2014


* Dylan Clarke, Living Black Radio: Memorial for Freedom Fighters
[Featuring Boonwurrung Elder and Patron of the Commemoration Committee, Aunty Carolyn Briggs]
* Jonathan Green, ABC RN Sunday Extra: Henry Reynolds, Historian and author of 'Forgotten War'
* Phillip Adams & Ann Arnold, ABC RN Late Night Live: Australia's forgotten war [Featuring Henry Reynolds]
* Paul Newbury, On Line Opinion: It’s time to commemorate the Frontier Wars
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

WGAR News: Survival Day - Andrew Davis' response to Warren Mundine: The Stringer

Newsletter date: 3 February 2014


* WGAR News: Aboriginal Sovereignty Day, Invasion Day and Survival Day Events: Sunday 26 January 2014

* The Stringer: Survival Day - Andrew Davis' response to Warren Mundine

* CAAMA Radio: Mansell shares his thoughts on Australia Day celebrations
[Featuring veteran Tasmanian Aboriginal rights campaigner Michael Mansell]

* Amy McQuire, The Guardian: Australia Day: Indigenous people are told to 'get over it'. It's impossible

* Nakkiah Lui, The Guardian: Australia Day is a time for mourning, not celebration

WGAR News: Robert and Selina Eggington, Rosalie Kunoth Monks and John Pilger speak about 'Utopia'

Newsletter date: 2 February 2014


* Upcoming screenings of John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'

* Perth Indymedia Radio Show: Utopia: a new documentary from John Pilger we speak with Robert Eggington about it
[Featuring Robert and Selina Eggington speaking about their involvement in Utopia]

* Joanna Lester, Living Black Radio: Remembering Communities Under The Intervention This Survival Day
[Featuring Elder Rosalie Kunoth Monks explaining her role in Utopia]

WGAR News: NT juvenile detention - 98 % are Aboriginal youth: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 19 January 2014


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 30 suicides in the last three months as we wait for promises to be kept
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

* Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA): Tenth anniversary of TJ Hickey death [14 February 2014]
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: NT juvenile detention - 98 % are Aboriginal youth
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 10,000 move on notices
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Mother's prison funeral leave denied - to farewell 13-year-old son

WGAR News: Sydney, Melbourne & Canberra book launches: 'In the Absence of Treaty' by 'cA'

Newsletter date: 30 December 2013


* 'concerned Australians' Sydney Book launch: 'In the Absence of Treaty' [Launched by Rosalie Kunoth-Monks & Jeff McMullen]
* 'concerned Australians' Melbourne Book launch: 'In the Absence of Treaty' & Screening of John Pilger's Film 'Utopia' [Speakers: Alastair Nicholson & Richard Frankland]
* 'concerned Australians' Canberra Book launch: 'In the Absence of Treaty' [Speakers: Graeme Mundine & John Falzon]
* Mick Estens, The Stringer: Northern Territory Intervention = injustice, prejudice, inequality

WGAR News: Stolen Generations test case dismissed: Greg Dyett with Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews

Newsletter date: 29 December 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: WA Supreme Court in an unbelievable decision dismisses Stolen Generations compensation claim
* Greg Dyett with Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews: Stolen Generations test case dismissed
* David Liddle, NITV News: The Royal Commission 'ignores members of the Stolen Generations'

* Marc Tong, SBS Living Black Radio: NT Specialist Doctor Resigns Over Mandatory Rehabilitation
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Federal Government needs to engage on NT alcohol policies

WGAR News: How to support the Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice:

Newsletter date: 26 December 2013


* John Pilger, The Stringer: John Pilger goes back to his homeland to investigate Australia's dirtiest secret
* : How to support the Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice
* Upcoming Australian screenings of John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'
* WGAR News: Interview - John Pilger exposes Australia's shocking secret in Utopia: Australian Times (24 Nov 13)
* Respect and Listen: Utopia
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

WGAR News: Aboriginal languages a source of strength: Shyamla Eswaran, Green Left

Newsletter date: 21 December 2013


* Shyamla Eswaran, Green Left: Aboriginal languages a source of strength
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Curtis Taylor - world's largest digital storytelling archive for 16 language groups
* Claire Bowern, The Conversation: Language nests: a way to revive Indigenous languages at risk
* Chris Raja, ABC Indigenous: Australia is the place of vanishing languages
* Background to the use of Aboriginal languages in NT schools (bilingual education)

WGAR News: Coalition stirs the ghost of Jimmie Blacksmith: Tim Kroenert, Eureka Street [99-year leases]

Newsletter date: 19 December 2013


* SMH: Indigenous burning among ancient practices being studied to save eco-systems

* Anna Salleh, ABC Science: Bead currency used in Australia's first export industry

* Benedict Scambary, CAEPR: My Country, Mine Country: Indigenous People, Mining and Development Contestation in Remote Australia

* Tim Kroenert, Eureka Street: Coalition stirs the ghost of Jimmie Blacksmith [99-year leases]
* WGAR News: "Statement by Rev. Dr Djiniyini Gondarra OAM regarding MOUs on township 99 year leases" (11 Nov 13)

WGAR News: Radioactive Show: Maralinga - Muckaty - Medicine: 3CR Community Radio

Newsletter date: 18 December 2013


* 3CR Community Radio: Radioactive Show: Maralinga - Muckaty - Medicine
[Featuring Aunty Sue Coleman-Haseldine, Barb Shaw, Penny Phillips, Isobel Phillips & Michael Fonda]
* Background to Justice for Aboriginal victims of Maralinga nuclear tests
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump

* RTRFM: Understorey: Regulating the Nuclear Village
[Featuring Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, Uncle Glen Cooke, Kado Muir & Della Rae Morrison]

* Tracker: Federal govt suspends Ranger operations