
To get the justice done, the splintered, shard-like "left" needs to coalesce

Gerry Georgatos

The compassionate left wing screams for social justice and argues for our governments and society's institutions to have a heart and help people from the bottom end up, and to desist with the proposition that they can achieve for the downtrodden by working from the top end of town and down.

The bona fide left wing is fractious and forever splintering and yet it calls out for groundswells of people power to coalesce in mass social movements which will give rise to cultural waves.

Tortured when deported to their place of origin - AUSTRALIA GETS IT WRONG, again.

Please consider viewing the following:


And please consider viewing:


THESE 3 men were deported from Australia in October 2009 on the grounds
that they were found not to have believable claims that they would
suffer persecution on return.

Clearly someone got it wrong. These men have been comprehensively

Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and the racism that impedes advancement by Aboriginal peoples and the enrichment of multiculturalism

It is sadly unbelievable and appalling in the fact that those with the capacity for change and progress argue that they are lost for solutions. Steve Pennells writes a good descriptive piece, page 28 June 11 in The West Australian, however despairingly quotes the confounded WA Indigenous Affairs Minister Peter Collier, the WA Nationals Brendan Grylls and Kalgoorlie MP John Bowler. In terms of Aboriginal disparity they agree that they do not know what the solutions are. How dare Peter Collier maintain the Indigenous Affairs portfolio?

The Human Rights Alliance is disappointed in The Greens and the Senate for watering down the call for a Senate inquiry into Australian deaths in custody

The Human Rights Alliance's Response to the Australian Senate and to the Greens:

Senate backs Motion Acknowledging Deaths in Custody: This is not Enough. We have called for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Australian Deaths in Custody.

The Human Rights Alliance, and with apologies, has quickly crafted this Media Release to express our disappointment that our campaign for a call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Australian Deaths in Custody has been watered down to a Senate Motion acknowledging what we already know. This is attrition.


People create own grand jury

A second sitting of a people's Grand Jury will be convened in Melton, in Melbourne's outer western reaches, on Sunday February 6 at 11am.
The purpose is to give expression to the lawful rights of the people and to provide lawful recourse for those who are denied justice through the Australian legal system that is controlled by a legal profession cartel.


Let the people elect judges

Retired Brisbane Supreme Court Judge Geoff Davies QC is correct; (Courier Mail September 1, 2006) government stacking the courts with political favourites is the main evil in the administration of justice in Australia. But I disagree with his proposal to create a seven-man panel including the Queensland Law Society, church leaders and newspaper editors to oversee the appointment of judges.

WGAR News: Jobs with Justice (23 Oct 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR Website: http://wgar.info/


New Jobs with Justice website
Jobs with Justice Petition
October 29 National Day of Action rallies
Mark Fordham Speaking Tour
October 28 Public Forum: Stop the NT Intervention: Stand up and support Jobs with Justice
Media Release concerning Jobs with Justice
Media Release concerning the BasicsCard
News & Articles concerning Jobs with Justice
Video: Working for the BasicsCard in Ti Tree