
Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! No Intervention!

No to imperialist intervention in the Libya! Saudi, UAE troops out of Bahrain!
Support Middle Eastern democracy struggles! End imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan!

On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council passed a resolution authorising military intervention by the Western imperialist powers or their puppets in Libya. The justification for this is to prevent further loss of life in fighting between forces remaining loyal Muammar Gaddafi and forces supporting the uprising that began on February 15 against his 42-year-old rule, and to support the pro-democracy forces.

VIictims of war - Iraqi children and families - Depleted uranium and trauma

Riyadh describes, "The years of sanctions have deeply affected Iraqi society and people have learned to survive individually and have lost the sense of community and caring for others."

"As a result of the 1991 Gulf War the province of Al Muthanna is littered with thousands of unexploded landmines and missiles." "There are many heartbreaking of disabled children in Iraq."


Friends of the Earth respond to military greenwashing of US-Aust joint war games

Friends of the Earth Brisbane have released our response on the AECOM Public Environment Report for Excercise Talisman Sabre 2011, the U.S.-Australian joint war games. TS11 is the biggest military operation outside of war and takes place in several places in Australia, including the Shoalwater Bay area in QLD, the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea. The PER has no legal standing and is not an EIS. It is an elaborate greenwashing excercise for a toxic, dangerous and murderous industry: militarism.


Catholic Worker activists oppose Cosgrove appointment

Activists from the Catholic Worker Movement, converged at St Marys Cathedral in Sydney yesterday (28/11/10) to oppose the appointment of Iraq War general, Peter Cosgrove to the position of Chancellor of Australian Catholic University (ACU). A special ceremony for Cosgrove, led by Cardinal George Pell was to take place at the Cathedral at 3pm.


Veterans group says hidden casualties must be considered in war debate.

Press release - 18 October 2010
On Tuesday, 19th October the Australian Parliament will debate Australian military involvement in the war and occupation of Afghanistan. Stand Fast, a group of veterans and former military personnel opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is calling on the debate to openly consider and recognise the hidden casualties of this war and the long term cost this has on communities.

A reduction In freedoms (an American point of view)

9/11 was a day which shook our country (America) to its core. People who would use religion as an excuse for war attacked our great nation on the grounds of its greatest city and two other locations. In doing so we lost roughly 2988 American citizens, but their memory and the spirit of what that memory means will live with us forever. Years have passed but it is still something all Americans carry in their hearts as a tragedy and there will never be a shortage of tears for the victims of that day.


Afghanistan: Bring the troops back.

Stop the War Coalition today said the charging of three Australian commandos over last year’s killing of six Afghan civilians, including children, sheds light on the reality of this nine-year war – a war in which no-one knows how many Afghans have been killed.

News that the International Criminal Court was likely to lay war crimes charges if the commandos were not brought to book underscores the seriousness of the charges. Five children and a woman were killed after Australian troops threw a grenade into an Afghan home.
