
Blood on the hands of all Australian Senators. We will continue the call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry.

The Human Rights Alliance

The Human Rights Alliance, on this occasion led by its PhD Law researcher into Australian Deaths in Custody, will continue to urge Australian Senators for the need to call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Australian Deaths in Custody.

Nuclear adviser resigns over Japanese government's increasing level of allowable radiation exposure for children

Nuclear Adviser Resigns over Japanese Government's Increasing Level of Allowable Radiation Exposure for Children

Interview with Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and author of "Physics of the Future" , conducted by Scott Harris

Refugee groups oppose Gillard’s offshore ‘solutions’ in Malaysia and PNG

Refugee Action Coalition media release detailing immediate concerns with MALAYSIAN SOLUTION.

Also on this issue.

Julia Gillard's announcement of a deal to send asylum seekers attempting to arrive in Australia by boat to Malaysia is just the latest chapter in Australia's attempts to dodge its international obligations as a signatory to the UN Convention on Refugees, according to the Refugee Action Coalition.

Brutal attack on endangered tribe in India

An illegal road brings poachers and tourists into
the heart of the Jarawa’s land. ©Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, 6 May 11 - - A man from one of the world’s most endangered tribes has been attacked and seriously wounded trying to stop intruders hunting his tribe’s game. The police are treating the attack as attempted murder. Three men have been arrested over the incident.

The Shortwave Report 05/06/11 listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 6) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27mb), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Abolition of Meat: Worldweek, May 21-May 28, 2011

Date and Time: 
Sat, 21/05/2011 (All day) to Sat, 28/05/2011 (All day)
see for detailled informations.
Contact Name: 
Contact Email:

It is a sad assessment that, despite the fact that the animals used for food represent almost all the animals exploited, they are extremely invisibilized. It is up to us, activists, to make their lives and their miserable destiny visible and to present prospects for putting an end to their slaughtering. It is up to us to proclaim that it is morally necessary to abolish the exploitation of animals used for their flesh.

Call for the upcoming WWAM: from May 21 to May 28, 2011

How US taxpayers' money goes to support the slave trade (pt. 1)

Right now conservatives and progressives across my country, America, are considering ways to cut government spending. One of the options tossed about concerns cuts to military spending. Within this area there are so many things to consider. There are so many things to discuss and ways to break each of them down.

HRA media release: The frontiers are ugly, violence and deaths on the horizon

The Human Rights Alliance
Media Release:

Urgent Action Required to Stop Detention Centre Deaths in Custody and the rise of mental illnesses. DETENTION CENTRES AT CRISIS POINT. Violence on the horizon.

Respects to Saif Gaddafi & Osama bin Laden


And, to Colonel Gaddafi's grandchildren, allegedly killed in the same bombing that killed his son Saif.

So who is next?

Perhaps all they have to do now is knock me off?

Bring it on, psychos!

Whatever the winners record for 'posterity' about those they deem as 'enemies', there will always be a number, and in today's widespread underground information-web and the to-themselves cynicism toward the superpowers, a very high number of us will look down on and 'spit' on the 'official' news stories and metaphorically on those who fabricate them.

Buckingham Palace protest against royal wedding invite to Saudi invaders of Bahrain

Buckhingham Palace Protest Against Royal Wedding Invite to Saudi invaders of Bahrain

Link to Guardian photo of the Palace protest

(* Peter Tatchell is sn Australian born human rights and gay activist the Australian government won't let visit Australia!
** Ciaron O'Reilly is an Austrlian anti-war and Catholic Worker activist presently based in London)

Report by Ciaron O'Reilly