
“Real Democracy Now!” Revolution begins in Spain – next stop Australia?

Inspired by the Arab Spring movements in the Arab world and movements in other places such as Portugal, hundreds of thousands of Spanish citizens have mobilized to demand real democracy or “Democracy Real Ya” in Spain under the banner of the “May 15th” or “15th de Mayo” which was the day the movement began. On that day 100,000 Spanish people marched in Madrid and tens of thousands in other cities around Spain, but what made this movement different to the phoney resistance to the austerity measures in Ireland, Greece and the UK was that the protestors have stayed on, setting up a protest camp in the Puerta del Sol square in Madrid as well as in many other city squares around Spain. They are uniting under many demands including opposing cuts to public spending and services and demanding more employment. They state that the bankers should pay for their own crisis. The movement is an independent one free of all institutional control, that opposes both major parties, the mainstream press and the Union movement for all supporting the attacks on ordinary people currently being carried out by the state in Spain. The movement is happening in the week preceeding a national election but many of the protestors reject the idea that the Parliament will bring the changes they demand. .This is exactly the kind of movement we need in Australia where all Parliamentary parties and the Union movement share the consensus that it is ordinary people not the banks and big business that should bear the costs of the financial crisis. Solidarity actions in Australia have now occured in Sydney and Melbourne.
Related: Madrid Indymedia --Democracyrealya website -- May 21st Solidarity actions in Australia -- tens of thousands protest in Spain (WSWS) -- Protestors occupy city squares(WSWS) -- Democract Real Ya video on Youtube -- BBC news coverage -- Spain takes to the streets youtube clip


WGAR News: UN Human Rights High Commissioner hears from NT Aboriginal leaders

Newsletter date: 21 May 2011

* UN Human Rights High Commissioner hears from Northern Territory Aboriginal leaders
* UN Human Rights High Commissioner receives letter signed by thousands of Australians
* UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay visits Australia from 20 May 2011
* UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York, 16 to 27 May 2011
* Aboriginal Health
* Interview with Chris Graham, Editor of Tracker Magazine
* Video: No to a dump in the NT - Darwin rally 11 May 2011
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump

Beware of the foreign minister speaking in the Chinese language

The challenges faced by Australia in managing our relationship with the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) revolve around two key features, 1) how China will assert itself militarily as it attempts to return to its rightful place in the world with its rise as a economic and military superpower and, 2) the reaction to this by the United States of America (US). Australia if it wishes to prosper from the rise China well into the Asia-Pacific century needs to build a multi-facet working relationship with both the United States and China through both bi-lateral and multi-lateral forums.

The Shortwave Report 05/20/11 listen globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 20) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

New Zealanders must 'speak out' about omitted rights or be reduced to 'numbers'.


New Zealand has been taken over by a 'bicultural' tribal elite, largely by virtue of birth, under the Treaty of Waitangi and manipulating human rights in their favor. The human rights omissions kill people and leave many with lives barely worth living. They have an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism', which aims to destroy individual and collective potential and any bottom-up challenge yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually, I believe, God regards the individual has having a 'name'). But there is still hope.

WGAR News: Amnesty International Report 2011 - Human rights in Australia

Newsletter date: 18 May 2011

* Amnesty International Report 2011: Human rights in Australia
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Government hopes Senate will debate nuclear waste dump in June
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Interview with National Congress Co-Chair, Jody Broun
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples
* Other Aboriginal articles


- Report

Osama is dead, the struggle continues

"Osama is Dead. The Struggle Continues.
Osama Bin Laden was summarily executed one week ago. We say in the news and on the internet that the killing of “bully,” “terrorist” or “fundamentalist” who “killed thousands” and “wanted to kill thousands more” is a good thing. We argue that in the face of “evil” the appropriate thing to do is to shoot the evil-doer. If we had the courage to apply this logic consistently they would be fighting alongside Osama not celebrating his death.

WGAR News: Global call to action for Aboriginal rights in Australia

Newsletter date: 17 May 2011

* Global Call to Action for Aboriginal Rights in Australia
* Interview with Muckaty Traditional Owner, Dianne Stokes
* Doctor: Public misled over nuclear medicine needs
* More on Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Background to Muckaty nuclear waste dump
* Renewed Call for a Joint Committee Senate Inquiry into Deaths in Custody
* Background to Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and incarceration rates
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles