
Australia a RACIST COUNTRY, and it is official! We are yet to unveil our racist layers.

Australians, like all people in general, are a caring people however sadly we continue to live in layers of racism which the Australian identity has failed to unveil. Many Australians have a hostile denial of our collective racist identity and of our discriminatory maltreatment of certain peoples. Since the day I was born into this country I have felt the layers of racism, and brutally so. I have been made aware of the colour of my skin, of my parents' country-of-origin, of the fact that I must assimilate in order to have prospects of personal advancement.

The Shortwave Report 05/27/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 27) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

WGAR News: UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, criticises the NT Intervention

WGAR News: UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, criticises the NT Intervention

Newsletter date: 26 May 2011

* UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay, criticises the NT Intervention
* Video "Intervention fight" - topics: Rev. Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra visits Europe; "Our Generation" film in UK; Aboriginal leaders meet with Navi Pillay.
* Other Northern Territory (NT) Intervention articles
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Other Aboriginal articles


Add-On to Fun Week mp3

Excerpt of Gary's "Pig Phat and Bumnuts" show broadcast on Saturday 9 am

Gary talks about the expected rapture and Atheist pet care advice for the left behind Christian pets.

7:30 min 128 kbps stereo 6.9 MB

HOMELESS FOLK. Homeless folk who are forever among us and public housing waiting lists are vastly different. We need Homeless Friendly cities and towns. Justice for ALL.

Homeless people are among us, and often many turn a blind eye.

Homeless folk who live on the streets and in our parks are different in context to homelessness and waiting lists for public housing.

Unfortunately our governments do not take seriously enough the funding required to ensure adequate accommodation and adequate public housing.

BRIZ 77-DUB 11 **OBAMA - The Emperor has no clothes, his wars have no end!

by Ciaron - Dublin Catholic Worker (originally from Brisbane, Australia)

OBAMA, he speaks like JESUS and kills like HEROD!

It has been weird being in Dublin security city the past week. It reminds me a lot of
growing up in the police state of Queensland/Australia in the late '70's.