
Is China's strategic culture anti-militaristic?

The strategic culture of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is a contested spiritual concept that is being debated both inside and outside of China and I hope my contribution will help add to this debate. In this paper I will explore the two main variants that go into making up the dualistic concept that is Chinese Strategic Culture so as to ascertain whether should be considered as anti-militaristic.

Justin Arnold

America’s unnerving celebrations post Bin Laden's death

"Rot in hell" screams the front page of the New York Post. “The Butcher of 9/11 is dead”, “We got him”, “US nails the bastard” as the United States of America basks in bloodthirsty revelry, tabloid antics went into over-drive. Spontaneous celebration filled Times Square, crowds gathered in front of the White House euphorically cheering “USA, USA, USA”. Mass hysteria broke out on the social networking scene with Twitter reporting 4000 tweets per second as news of Osama Bin Laden’s murder broke out.

Arctic deep sea oil: Cairn Energy oil spill response plan missing

Activists from Greenpeace have been harassing the drilling program of Cairn Energy in the Arctic off the Greenland coast citing the lack of a publicly available oil spill response plan for drilling in the sensitive Arctic environment. Cairn Energy, an Edinburgh registered company, is presently involved in exploratory deep sea oil drilling in the Arctic in the Davis Strait (Iceberg Alley).

Kalgoorlie-Boulder, and the racism that impedes advancement by Aboriginal peoples and the enrichment of multiculturalism

It is sadly unbelievable and appalling in the fact that those with the capacity for change and progress argue that they are lost for solutions. Steve Pennells writes a good descriptive piece, page 28 June 11 in The West Australian, however despairingly quotes the confounded WA Indigenous Affairs Minister Peter Collier, the WA Nationals Brendan Grylls and Kalgoorlie MP John Bowler. In terms of Aboriginal disparity they agree that they do not know what the solutions are. How dare Peter Collier maintain the Indigenous Affairs portfolio?

The Shortwave Report 06/10/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 10) is up at the website (NOTE THE URL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED SLIGHTLY DUE TO SERVER SWITCH) in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) of the John Adam St Gang

ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) held a fundraiser on June 9th in London. This was the first official engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

ARK (Absolute Return for Kids)are not what they say. Google 'ARK EIM Schillings', or go to UK911forum 'War on Children' thread titled ‘Schillings solicitors letters re ARK, direct links’ for links to solicitors letters etc. Wikileaks links to this story keep breaking.......therefore this story is being hidden.

It is no surprise that ARK's offices lie within the John Adam St Gang.

Iraqis Wage Grassroots Fight

Susan Webb

Eight years after the US invaded Iraq, the Iraqi people are waging a grassroots fight for democracy and an economy that works for them. Some democratic trappings are in place. Violence is markedly down, even though bombings and similar attacks continue. The United States is scheduled to withdraw its remaining 46,000 troops by the end of this year.