Michael Anderson

WGAR News: Senate motion condemns Oombulgurri demolition: Greens Senator Rachel Siewert

Background to the Oombulgurri demolitions commencing 30 September 2014 - 1 October 2014

Newsletter date: 5 March 2015


* Open Letter:
To H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of UN General Assembly
From Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union
Re: Refugee Camp in Perth and developing Humanitarian Crisis

WGAR News: New 'National Freedom Movement' website

Newsletter date: 7 January 2015


* Homepage of New 'National Freedom Movement' website: http://freedommovement2014.wix.com/freedommovement
* About: National Freedom Movement What's it about?
* Freedom Summit - The Delegates

WGAR Background to the Aboriginal Sovereignty Movement

Last updated: 4 October 2015

Archive - Prior to 29 May 2014: Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies: https://indymedia.org.au/2012/04/22/background-to-the-aboriginal-soverei...