First Nations

WGAR News: Aboriginal Australian Communities Send a Powerful Message to Government: Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities

Newsletter date: 24 March 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Here is part of the list of threatened Homelands - "remote communities"

WGAR News: Aboriginal 'recognition' - a cover for assimilation: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 18 March 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer: Aboriginal 'recognition' - a cover for assimilation

* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence

* Media Release: Callum Clayton-Dixon (Nganyaywana), Aboriginal Provisional Government: Let's vote for independence, not assimilation!


WGAR News: Matargarup Aboriginal Refugee Camp: About 50 WA police officers have used mounted police and K-9 dogs to seize the tents and valuables

Newsletter date: 16 March 2015


* Petition: Petition: Stop displacing Indigenous Australians by the closure of Indigenous communities.

WGAR News: NZ MP's support Aboriginal protest over proposed closure of indigenous communities: Heeni Brown, Maori Television

Newsletter date: 14 March 2015


* News Analysis & Video: Heeni Brown, Maori Television: NZ MP's support Aboriginal protest over proposed closure of indigenous communities

* Audio Interview: Paul Wiles, CAAMA Radio: Going backward is the problem - Rosalie Kunoth Monks
* Audio Interview: CAAMA Radio: Support growing for for displaced community mob ... [Featuring Gerry Georgatos]