
Update on Honduras coup for November 2011

Since this report was compiled, the first woman journalist has been assassinated in Honduras, and in Tegucigalpa.

On December 6, 2011, journalist Luz Marina Paz Villalobos and her cameraperson Delmer Canales were leaving her house when they were killed by gunmen on board a motorcycle. Luz Marina directed for years the radio program “Tres en la Noticia” (Three in the News) in Radio Globo and lately worked at a local radio. The total number of journalists killed since 2009 coup is now 23, making Honduras the deadliest place on earth per capita to report in.

Our planet is dying - sign an urgent climate petition here


Our planet is dying and big oil companies have key nations in their pockets, blocking any chance of a climate treaty. We have 3 days before UN talks end -- let's call on the EU, Brazil and China to lead us towards a deal to save the planet! Click here to sign an urgent petition.

Execution case dropped against Abu-Jamal

Prosecutors in Philadelphia announced on 7 December that they had dropped their attempts to execute Mumia Abu-Jamal, the death row inmate convicted of killing a police officer 30 years ago and whose subsequent legal case based on claims of innocence had received international attention.

Mr. Abu-Jamal will spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole, said Seth Williams, the district attorney for Philadelphia.

Heat kills gardens & guerrilla planting

Listen to/download the audio:

SHOW LINE UP - 24 minutes

1. "Guerrilla Gardening"

How to create an edible landscape on public and private lands. UK "Guerrilla of Love" Chris Tomlinson explains how he secretly plants food, perennials and trees, in waste lands, untended gardens, and even city streets. Fun interview on serious topic, as economy erodes. Try it where you live.

2. "Global Famine Starts in Texas"

Required listening for heat waves in Australia. Your garden may produce nothing.

International Wear A Tent Day For Human Rights Day (Tent Monsters)

Date and Time: 
Sat, 10/12/2011 (All day)
Everywhere there is an occupation

International Wear A Tent Day For Human Rights Day (Tent Monsters)

Occupy Melbourne Tent Monster chased the Australian Police away, the Australian Police came back and stripped and arrested us.

We ask Occupy Movements all over the world to wear a tent.

Join the FB group.


Police stripping:
Original Viral Video

Contact Office of the Lord Mayor and hold the Right Hon the Lord Mayor Robert Doyle accountable.

Some Critical Notes on the Occupy Movement's Attempt at a General Strike in Oakland, California U.S.A..

My personal experience of the Nov. 2nd, 2011 attempted general strike in Oakland was a blast. The event was beautiful and exhilarating -- even the colors in the sky were perfect! More importantly, as the first attempt at a general strike in a U.S. city in sixty-six years, I hope Nov. 2nd in Oakland can stir a long-suffering wage-earning class in the United States to see the collective power we can have when we use a mass-scale workplace walkout as a political weapon against the owners of America.

LONDON-British High Court rules that Assange can seek appeal to Supreme Court

Today, Veterans for Peace, Catholic Workers, Occupy London and other anti-war activists gathered outside the High Court in London in solidarity with WikiLeaks activist Julain Assange. Julian has spent the past 363 days in England under house arrest without charge.

Assange appeals extradition in court today: Brisbane solidarity vigil

Today Julian Assange faces court again to appeal the order to extradite him to Sweden. If his appeal fails he will face court in Sweden within a fortnight.

This is Assanges tenth court appearance since his arrest for questioning in relation to sex crimes in Sweden, over a year ago. Assange has maintained that the charges are politically motivated by Wikileaks release of secret US government documents and video, particularly that that show US military engaged in war crimes.


The Shortwave Report 12/02 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 2) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}