
Aboriginal Tent Embassy - New website launched

Aboriginal Tent Embassy will be massive and we need to be there on January 26 starting with the march from Alinga to Parliament at 9am

People will be coming from all over Australia and some from overseas and I and others from WA will be on our way to stand alongside - A number of social justice groups will be there in numbers with our banners calling loud for justice and for an end to tragic incarceration rates as Gerry Georgatos and Ray Jackson often describe on this site.

Eight killed in protest against Australian gold mining in Indonesia

by hidup biasa An Indonesian activist website reports eight people killed, hundreds wounded, ten arrested and many hiding after a police attack on protesters demonstrating against a locally working mainly Australian gold mining company. hidup biasa says the attack was on the occupation of Sape port by thousands of residents of Lambu district, Bima regency, West Nusa Tenggara, repressed and forcibly dispersed by police. The occupation, which had continued for five days, was by local people opposing the operations of PT Sumber Mineral Nusantara. The company is 95% owned by an Australian company called Arc Exploration, based in Chatswood, Sydney.

Related: Raw footage of police shooting into crowd -- ABC coverage of the shootings and protests | WALHI (FoE Indonesia) - Stop The Activity Of Mining & Slaughtering In Bima, Solidarity For Civilians Sby - Boediono Must Take Responsibility | Environmentalists call for Australian government to investigate massacre in Indonesia


Sea Shepherd intercepts Japanese whaling fleet using drone on Christmas day

Sea Shepherd celebrates a christmas for the whales having located the whaling fleet on Christmas eve and intercepted the fleet on Christmas day before a single whale has been killed this season.


U.S. building case against Assange through Bradley Manning trial

In an ominous turn of events the pre-trial hearing of Bradley Manning is now being used to build a future case of espionage against Julian Assange. The military prosecution has now introduced evidence that supposedly not only directly links Julian Assange to Bradley Manning but that Assange directly "coached" Manning into how to obtain government documents. The evidence comes in the form of selected transcripts of supposed chat logs between the two men found on Manning's computers.

Why people get on boats and why we should help them

Gerry Georgatos


There are no displaced or persecuted peoples' offices in places like Sri Lanka, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan therefore the only choice is to flee.

These people would not 'get on boats’ if we actually offered them resettlement options. Therefore we leave people desperately needing to leave immediately and with other choices.

3rd world summit for small wind - call for papers

3rd World Summit for Small Wind WSSW2012
"New Standards - New Concepts"
Husum, Germany, 15&16 March 2012

Call for Papers

We invite you cordially to the 3rd World Summit for Small Wind WSSW2012, taking place in Husum/Germany on 15 and 16 March 2012, during the New Energy 2012 trade fair.

My Christmas letter - The Little Drummer Boy

My Christmas letter - The Little Drummer Boy:

Christmas pending, and a new year around the bend, and for many of us in the spate of a week so will come to pass contemplations for a reclamation of personal reforms. Some of us will take on some reforms, and change some of our ways, however for the majority of folk we shall return to business as usual.

Australian solidarity actions for Bradley Manning - December 17th 2011

On December 17th 2011, Bradley Manning turned 24 and his pre-trial hearing began. Bradley has been charged with a variety of offences that related to the release of documents and evidence of war crimes by the U.S. to Wikileaks. On this day an international day of solidarity occured and a number of actions occured in Australia. In Brisbane musicians played in solidarity in the Brisbane Mall. In Sydney a daily vigil during the pre-trial has been organised by the Sydney Stop the War Coalition outside the U.S. Consulate General in Martin Place. In Adelaide a small group gathered to sing Bradley happy birthday and to hand out information on his trial. In London, Australian peace activist Ciaron O'Reilly was amongst solidarity protestors outside the U.S. Embassy. Meanwhile Australin journalist Julian Assange will have the next stage of his appeal against his extradition to Sweden heard on December 20th.
Related:Updates on Brad's trial at


Green Music

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"Change Change" Thistle CANADA

"Dirty Town" Mother Mother CANADA

"My Water's On Fire Tonight" David Holmes & Dean Bekker AUSTRALIA

"Fukushima Song, Talkin End Game" Michael Montecrossa GERMANY