
HRA media release: All three major political parties caused the drownings off Java - and more - they must stop criminalising humanitarians

HRA media release: All three major political parties caused the drownings off Java - and more - they must stop criminalising humanitarians

Moral leadership is not being represented by any political party or its leaders.

None are prepared to lead that far from the front that the others behind them can leverage solutions. Instead they are on par with each other and merely casting blame and aspersion and portraying themselves as being able to do the job better.

LONDON - Report/Vids/Photos - Solidarity with Bradley Manning outside U.S. Embassy

Bradley Manning's Military Tribunal Article 32 (pre-military trial hearing) began a Ft. Meade Maryland on Friday Dec 18th.,continued through the weekend and continues into this week. A callout for solidarity action on Bradley' 24th. birthday - Saturday Dec 17th. was answered in 40+ locations throughout the United States and around the world. In London 60 folks gathered in solidarity with Bradley outside the U.S. embassy.

Extreme weather: Flash flooding kills 500, displaces 100,000 in the Philippines

Heavy rain and flash flooding on Friday night and Saturday in the Philippines associated with tropical cyclone Washi, known locally as Sendong, has killed 521 people, with many still missing and unaccounted for, and displaced over 100,000 people. The cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan were particularly hard hit.

Tropical Storm Washi dumped on the island of Mindanao more than a month of average rains in just 12 hours. According to weather forecaster Leny Ruiz the records show that storms that follow Washi's track come only once in about 12 years. Officials claim it was one of the most destructive calamities in southern Philippines in recent years and struck areas not used to severe flooding. River flooding was worsened by the high tide.

Gillard & the Australian government directly responsible for the tragic drownings off Java

Media release by the Human Rights Alliance Australia owns significant responsibility for yesterday’s tragic sinking of another asylum boat off Java and of the many drownings. Australia should assist in repatriation, counselling and compensation of and for the survivors. The boat was carrying Hazara and Irani refugees. Ms Gillard's push for Indonesia to criminalise those assisting asylum seekers in the passage to our shores is directly responsibly for this sinking and drowning, and for people's desperation.

Neither Indonesia and Australia should be criminalising the seeking of asylum and people should be allowed to map out their journey openly, to travel with various public assistance and in seaworthy boats. The Gillard government has manifest the desperation that gives rise to unseaworthy boats and passage under the cover of the clandestine.
Related:Refugee Action Collective(Vic)Press Release -- Refugee Action Coalition (Sydney)Statement


Steelworkes 'demonstration in athens (17/12)

400 steelworkers made a dynamic demonstration ,today
in the centre of athens.They have stike from 31 octomber until today when the boss of their factory released 37 workers and threated them that he will fire also 187.Solidarity
actions have made a lot of organisations,left parties
and anarchists.
A lot of parties for economical solidarity took part
these week .The anarchosundikalist union of Holland
send a solidarity message to the workers.Τ

The Shortwave Report (December 16) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (December 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

VID (1m 44s) Oz activist/former U.S. political prisoner Ciaron O'Reilly outside the U.S. embassy/London calls for Dec 17 solidarity with Bradley Manning

YOUTUBE (1min 44 secs) OZ activist/former U.S. political prisoner Ciaron O'Reilly outside the U.S. Embassy/London Calls for Dec 17 Solidarity with Bradley Manning

Tuesday Dec 14th. Veterans for Peace UK and supporters held a vigil for Bradley Manning at the U.S. Embassy in London. Bradley begins a pre-trial hearing on Friday at Fort Meade, Maryland/USA. Bradley faces charges that could lead to a lifetime in prison.

State-nourished Nazi terror in Germany

How politicians, police and justice system promote fascist terrorism in Germany
[Translation of an article in barricada – Newspaper for autonomous politics and culture]

“Relentless and all-inclusive clarification” of the scandals around the murders by the National Socialist Underground (NSU) is being demanded by politicians across the spectrum from Left Party to Greens to Christian Social Union. “Relentless and all-inclusive clarification” is being promised by the responsible persons in the ministries, the secret services and the police.
