
PHILIPPINES: $1-B Australian aid linked to two key issues

During his press conference upon his return from the Apec meeting in Honolulu, President Aquino thanked Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard for the $1 billion aid provided by the Australian government to “help the recent flood and typhoon victims.”

Before we applaud the Australian government and its prime minister for their apparent generosity, let us consider Australia’s national interests that are involved in the Philippines. There are two key issues that stand out.

Fracking Gas = Climate Crash

For years, governments, industry, and TV ads told us natural gas is the safe bridge fuel while we move away from dirty coal and oil.

Cornell University scientist Robert Howarth wondered "Is that true?". When Howarth found no science to back up big claims for the gas industry, he and a team from Cornell went to work.

Press Statement: Aboriginal News Group Calls For the People To #Occupy & #Decolonize The Fourth World



A Communiqué from the ANG Public Information Bureau:

To the Peoples of the Fourth World

To the Mass Media

Urgent: Egyptian socialists and trade unionists call for international solidarity

An international appeal for solidarity has gone out today as tens of thousands of Egyptians face brutal repression in the streets of Cairo. Riot police and army forces attacked protestors after mass demonstrations calling for an end to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces' military rule.

The Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions issued a call on Saturday 19 November to its 1.4 million members in affiliated unions to join the protests in Tahrir Square. The protestors are fighting for the future of the revolution.


The Shortwave Report 11/18/11

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 18) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Thousands of Papuans take to the streets calling for referendum

Okezone - November 14, 2011 Nurlina Umasugi, Jayapura -- Thousands of Papuans from the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) held a 15 kilometer march on Monday afternoon to demand a referendum for the Papuan people.

The long-march from the Abepura district towards the provincial capital of Jayapura city was closely watched over by Papuan police under the command of the regional and deputy-regional police chiefs. Several sections of road became congested because of the the overflow of protesters packing the main road.


19,000 police to guard German nuclear waste transport

Police are mobilising 19,000 officers to guard a shipment of nuclear waste from France to north Germany for storage at the end of this month. Scores of thousands of protesters are expected in and around the village of Gorleben.

An "Occupy Police!" call has gone out to gain from the momentum of that worldwide movement by mounting nuclear protests across the country to keep police busy and so weaken their presence in Gorleben.

Shocking video confirms Indonesia’s brutal suppression of West Papuan rally ahead of US visit

The shocking footage shows Indonesian soldiers beating West Papuans. © SBS TV/ West Papua Media

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 16, 2011 - - Alarming video of Indonesian forces shooting, beating and kicking civilians at a peaceful rally in West Papua has emerged ahead of a US visit to the region.

PALEA joins Global Day of Action for Qantas workers

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) picketed the Qantas office and Australian embassy in a show of solidarity for the embattled workers of the Australian flag carrier. “We extend the hand of solidarity to our brothers and sisters at Qantas who are for fighting for job security, decent pay and better working conditions. The struggles they are waging mirror the same demands that we are currently fighting for at PAL,” declared Gerry Rivera, PALEA president and vice chair of Partido ng Manggagawa.