
My Money - Occupy This ! mp3

Refresher course on banks, debt finance and change

Anonymous Message to Zeitgeist and Venus Project Followers, various excerpts of Public Credit - A Solution by Richard C. Cook, Euro Demise by Clarke Dawe

music: Herd, Atmos, True Vibenation

33:40 min 128 kbps stereo 31 MB


Indonesian Commando Btn 755 brutalise Puncak Jaya villagers

by Nick Chesterfield at - November 5, 2011 Indonesian army (TNI) commandos have terrorised and severely beat villagers in Kurulu District in Puncak Jaya in another show of extreme brutality against West Papuan civilians.

Soldiers from the Kostrad (Strategic Reserve) Battalion 755 stationed at the Kurulu army post stormed the village of Umpagalo, near Wamena, on the night of November 2, breaking up a meeting and severely beating 12 men, including 3 West Papua National Committee (KNPB) members.


Global warming in Antarctica: Glaciers accelerating, west Antarctic ice sheet losing mass

Scientists have been studying the climate change impact on ice shelfs and glaciers for some time in Antarctica, and particularly around the Antarctic Peninsula where there is substantial warming occurring increasing ice shelf melt and the speed and discharge of glaciers. The most recent studies predict a faster retreat for the Thwaites Glacier and that warm ocean currents are already speeding the melting of the Pine Island Glacier and Ice Shelf and Getz Ice Shelf. A NASA Icebridge flight detected a major new rift in the Pine Island ice shelf on October 14 - the start of the calving of a massive iceberg. A recent paper in Nature Geoscience discusses the Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in a warming world and the likelihood of collapse that would raise sea level by more than three metres over the course of several centuries or less.

Related: Record Increase in Greenhouse Gas Emissions for 2010 | The Wilkins ice Bridge collapsed in April 2009 as Polar regions felt the heat of climate change. I reported as far back as 2004 that warming in Antarctica was cause for concern with ocean food chain crashing due to Antarctic warming. More recently in April 2011 I discussed Penguin numbers suffering with krill decline due to Global Warming.


Record increase in greenhouse gas emissions for 2010

Greenhouse gases increased 6 per cent during 2010, one of the largest annual increases on record according to the US Department of Energy. In 2010 about 512 million metric tonnes more of carbon was emitted to the atmosphere than in 2009. Total emissions for 2010 were 30.6 Gigatonnes, 5% higher than the previous record year in 2008, according to an International Energy Agency report in June 2011. The latest figures put global emissions on track with the worst case projections from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report.

Related: Carbon Emissions need to peak this decade to meet 2 °C temperature goal warns new study

Australia mining aid for Philippines questioned – ATM

Melbourne, Australia – Filipino and Australian organizations criticized Prime Minister Julia Gillard for launching a $127 million ‘smart aid’ for poor but mineral-rich nations during a forum at the University of Melbourne.

Recently, the Gillard government has launched ‘Mining for Development Initiative’ which aims to help more than 30 developing countries, including the Philippines, address mining related challenges, including everything from managing environmental impacts of mining to governance issues.

The Shortwave Report 11/04/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (November 4) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Indians demand action after Paraguay's 'hiding tribe' spotted

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 3, 2011 -- Leaders of Paraguay’s Ayoreo tribe are calling on the government to stop cattle farmers from destroying their forests after signs of their uncontacted relatives were found on a ranch.

The Ayoreo say they overheard uncontacted Indians on the ranch and on further inspection they found ‘fresh footprints and marks on the trees where (their) relatives had been searching for honey’.

Most of Paraguay’s Ayoreo have been forced out of their forests but others, including family members of the contacted Ayoreo, avoid the outside world.

Julian Assange loses latest appeal against extradition to Sweden

A British Court has rejected the latest appeal by Julian Assange, on Nov 1st , against his extradition to Sweden. The court also found nineteen thousand pounds in costs against Julian Assange. He still has the option of appealing to the Supreme Court but there is no guarantee this appeal will be allowed. He could face extradition within 10 days to Sweden where he could be extradited to the U.S. to face possible esponiage charges. The crackdown on Julian Assange is linked and occurring at the same time as a global crackdown by Governments against the global uprising of ordinary people.

Latest United Nations human index ranks Australians 2nd, Aborigines last, worldwide

AUSTRALIA No 2 ranked on UN Human Development index however Aboriginal peoples languish.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has compiled rankings of 187 countries according to their wealth, education levels and life expectancy.