
Indian tribe secures unprecedented rights to tiger reserve

Soliga man worships at one of 487 sacred sites
inside the BR Hills reserve © Atree/Survival

SURVIVAL INTERNATIONAL, November 2, 2011 - - In a landmark victory, a tribe in India has for the first time had their right to use their ancestral land recognized – even though it is inside a tiger reserve.

In 1974 members of the Soliga tribe were evicted from their homes in the Biligirirangan Hills, Karnataka state, by a local government intent on protecting the state’s wildlife.

Bellotti support group blockades entrance to WA state parliament. WA Police Commissioner promises to meet

- "Better they had been hung than to have brought the system into disrepute." -

Gerry Georgatos

While many revelled in Melbourne Cup race day and festivities, the Bellotti Support Group, and the family of Rex Bellotti Jnr, gathered at the steps of the Parliament of Western Australia to deliver a petition to the Legislative Assembly calling for a public inquiry into the police related incident that has decimated the lives of Rex Bellotti Jnr, his five siblings and his parents.

Occupy Perth continues, it has not taken a break. Occupy Perth is on

The Occupy Perth actually HAS NOT taken a break as first reported through the news media. They did not stop after Sunday night. One group that was there, which is not actually the core Occupy contingent however was established as a link with the news media because of the rally for justice against the CHOGM on Friday, did vote to pack up and left and informed the news media that they would resume on the weekend and hence the mix up. However I have been speaking with the occupiers, protestors and they have been camping, are still camping, are still occupying.

Durban conference of the polluters

When I spoke to Patrick Bond, it was very hot in Durban. But it was 36 degrees C in neighboring Zambia. Bond predicts another wave of "heat refugees" will flee Zimbabwe into South Africa.

Durban is the site of the next Conference of the Parties, known as COP-17, starting November 28th, 2011. It is the grand gathering of the countries of the world, under the United Nations, trying to prevent serious climate damage on Planet Earth.

"Renewable energy for more social justice"

WWEC2011 opened: Speakers highlight importance of renewable energy for economic growth and green jobs

International Labour Organisation presents first results of a study on job potential requirements in renewable energy

By Stefan Gsänger

Cairo (WWEA) – 500 delegates from all over the world have attended the opening ceremony of the 10th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition in Cairo.

Philippines: PALEA picket Qantas office, Oz embassy in support of Qantas workers

By Labor Party - Philippines

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) and Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Labor Party - Philippnes) picketed the Qantas office and Australian embassy in a show of solidarity for the embattled workers of the Australian flag carrier. “We extend the hand of solidarity to our brothers and sisters who are for fighting for job security, decent pay and better working conditions. The struggles they are waging mirror the same demands that we are currently fighting for at PAL,” declared Gerry Rivera, PALEA president and PM vice chair.

Responsibility to protect: Statement regarding the shooting of civilians in Abepura, West Papua, on 19 Oct 2011

26 October 2011 The Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect has today released a statement regarding the reports about the shooting of civilians in Jayapura, West Papua, on 19 October 2011.

The Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect appeals to the Indonesian
government to show leadership in protecting and upholding human rights in response
to continuing reports that members of the Indonesian military and police opened fire
on civilians attending the Third Papuan People’s Congress in Abepura, Jayapura, on
the afternoon of Wednesday 19 October 2011.
