
The Shortwave Report 10/28/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (October 28) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Occupy Oakland California violently attacked by police - protestor in critical condition

Like in Sydney and Melbourne the authorities in the U.S. are increasing the level of violent repression of the Occupy Movement. This has had tragic consequences in Oakland California where a 24 year old Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen was hit in the head at point blank range by a tear gas cannister. Guardian article. The Youtube clip below shows a crowd being fired on with a stun grenade attempting to come to Scott's aid. Hella Occupy Oakland | Occupy Oakland


Help abused South Korean woman worker in ministry sit-in since June

The Network for Global Activism released y'day the following call for int'l solidarity...

Dear friends,

This is a solidarity letter to support a woman worker who has been sexually harassed by her managers, and unfairly dismissed as a subcontractor of Hyundai Motor. She has been holding a sit-in struggle in front of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family from June.


Current and future events mp3

"Global Occupy Mix", "Quantitive Easing", "No. 999 - Cain Medley", "Gaddafi's Funeral", "Carbon Tax The Movie", "Climate Change", "European GPS Launch", "Dysfunctional Profits On The Slippery Slope"

media samples, popular movie samples, Clarke and Dawe, Herman Cain 999 Plan Spoof, Herman Cain Jazz, Zeitgeist Moving Forward samples, Meltdown samples, 'Revolution No. 9' Beatles sample, Keith Jarret sample, other sound samples

Villawood Detention Centre death early this morning. We have long warned that more deaths would arise. How many more?

ANOTHER DETENTION CENTRE SUICIDE - WE HAVE LONG WARNED. As a PHD reseacher in deaths in custody I am disgusted in the Australian Government and from a criminological perspective. More detention centre deaths will come. A Tamil person lost his life to the abject despair of suicide at Villawood, another victim of the Australian government's harsh attitudes towards our Asylum Seekers. The man committed suicide early Wednesday morning, nearing dawn, 26 October. He took poison and died in hospital.
Related:HRA Media Release from May predicting more suicides -- Refugee Action Coalition Statement on suicide


Philippines: PALEA gets support of Qantas workers, labor groups abroad

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) received the support of a Qantas labor union in Australia even as other labor groups abroad are staging solidarity actions. Similar to PALEA, Qantas workers are embroiled in a long-running dispute with management over job security, pay hikes and working conditions. Qantas flights have been disrupted by a series of strikes by Qantas engineers, ground staff and pilots.

Indonesian government puts Australian government to shame. Australia's hypocrisy. Mukthar home.

Muktha goes home.
Children in prison - hypocrisy.
Indonesian government puts Australian government to shame.

The Indonesian Justice Minister and the Indonesian President have intervened to prohibit the remand of the Australian 14 year old in Bali in Kerobokan Prison so as to protect the welfare and rights of children, however importantly to send a loud message to the Australian government that they need to better consider the impoverished Indonesian children who are languishing in Australian adult prisons - and that they should in the very least be within the appropriate jurisdictions.

More than 50 houses torched in Madang to evict abandoned workers

Houses burn at the PMIZ site

More than a hundred people living within the area identified for the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone in Madang [north coast of Papua New Guinea) are now homeless after their houses were burnt to the ground yesterday by police and members of a security company.

More than 50 houses were torched with the assistance of members of the Madang based Savolon Security company.

The policemen arrived in three 10-seater Landcruisers and began physically and verbally assaulting the men, women and children.


Temperature study funded by climate sceptics confirms rate of global warming

"We are seeing substantial global warming" declares new scientific work from an independent group of researchers called the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study. The research team is at least partially funded by the Koch Brothers who fund several climate denial groups. The team was setup to identify flaws in the climate science of global average temperature trends, but has confirmed the analysis undertaken by NASA, NOAA and the Hadley Climate Centre in the UK that about 1 degree Celsius of global warming has occurred since 1950.

Related Commentary: Nature Different method, same result: global warming is real | Climate Progress Hot Dog Bites Skeptical Man: Koch-Funded Berkeley Temperature Study Does “Confirm the Reality of Global Warming”