
Countries with no water

No Water.

Tokelau and Tuvala have no water. Parts of Samoa are also running out of water. Rising sea-levels and changing weather patterns have left some countries in the South Pacific with no fresh water. New Zealand and the US are sending bottled water and a tanker is sailing with a load of fresh water to Tuvalu. The Red Cross has donated two desalination machines.

States of Emergency have been declared in Tuvalu and Tokelau, and water rationing has been introduced in the parts of Samoa affected by the water crisis; they still have a few weeks supply left.

Sudden & Abrupt Change

It's a fine time for bad news bears. World floods continue, this time in Asia. The Arctic has an ozone hole. Oh yeah, the global financial system is on the edge of bankruptcy. Now we learn the climate can become unhinged, pretty quickly.

Both the economic system and the ecosphere are at risk of massive and abrupt change.

From the popular financial blog "The Automatic Earth" writer "Ilagi" on the European banking mess, and blowback to America.

Public vs. private banks mp3

Samples of Ellen Brown from GR TV.CA talking about publicly owned Banks as a remedy for ailing economies. Interview by James Corbett

music by Fine Line Sub Prime Decline The Richter Scales, American Economy Rap, excerpt of Another Day Another Dollar by Wayne Stewart, excerpt of 2009 Economic Crisis The Inflation Nation Theme Song, Keith Jarrett

From our Hazara peoples incarcerated in SCHERGER.

Subject: stop systematic genocide of Hazaras
To: "Gerry Georgatos"
Received: Wednesday, 5 October, 2011, 12:15 PM

Unfortunatly after terrible terrorist attack at EID UL FITR (31/08/2011)in Quetta pakistan,our tears not yet become dry that another terror attack happened by cruel and ruthless terrorist at(20/092011) even seperate Hazaras passenger from others,and pull off them & shot fire on their heads & killed 29 inocent HAZARAS.

Shut-down protest at high-output German nuclear plant

"Nuclear power harms Germany," projected onto the Grohnde reactor in a recent Greenpeace action at several German nukes

Allegedly ripping-prone steel and faulty welding were the focus of a shut-down protest outside one of the world’s most productive nuclear power plants at Grohnde in Germany’s northwest on 2 October.

A rally heard that if anything went wrong in Grohnde, it would also impact on the 523,000 people who live in the Lower Saxony state capital Hanover, about 60 km away.

Japanese whaling uneconomic but a matter of honor and pride

Media reports from Japan this week highlight that the Japanese Fisheries Agency is likely to send the whaling fleet to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary near Antarctica later this year. A US$27 million boost to security for the whaling fleet is likely, despite the country still reeling from it's triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown. The injection of more Government money into the program is likely to be controversial locally when many people are still homeless as a result of the disasters and when many rebuilding programs still require funding.

The Shortwave Report 09/30/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 30) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

Burst of carbon from Indonesian peat fires - and India coal mania

Listen to this Radio Ecoshock special on Indonesian peat fires and India coal mania here:

While we worry about the economy here, developments in Indonesia and India could change the climate for generations.

Nobody is reporting on this. The peat fires in Sumatra are blanketing Singapore and Malaysia. None can put them out. Huge carbon emissions. Last time, these fires in 1997 doubled the rate of increase in greenhouse gas emissions globally.

Occupy Wall Street, educate Main Street


Across the Middle East common folk continue to demonstrate their outrage against generations of tyranny imposed by entrenched and unaccountable power cliques supported by U.S. interests.

Gaddafi is on the run and will no doubt retire in the style to which he is accustomed, if not on the French Riviera or Donald Trump's front lawn, then certainly somewhere in the Saudi wonderland where, acknowledging the historic Arab Spring, King Abdullah has just announced he is giving women the right to vote and stand in municipal elections.