
HRA MEDIA RELEASE: WA Government dumps on and forgets the homeless to red carpet brutal dictators (The CHOGM).

The Human Rights Alliance Media Release:

On October 27, the WA state government for a two hour event at Government House in Perth will spend at least $338,480. This is not the full cost of the two hour event!

Our homeless folk continue to increase, not only in numbers however and in terms of despair and various clinical conditions.

Aboriginal anti-nuclear film to kick off Berlin festival

“Muckaty Voices", a short film capturing Aboriginal resistance to the Australian government plan to dump radioactive waste in the Northern Territory, was due to open the
first exclusively Australian film festival in Berlin today, Friday 16 September.

The Shortwave Report 09/16/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 16) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Global 24 hours of action for Australia's forests. Join us on 8 Oct 2011 and say No Harvey No!

On Saturday 8 October in Australia (which might be your 7th or 8th Oct depending on timezone) join us to stand up for our forests at Harvey Norman stores and other locations across Australia and the planet and say

No Harvey Norman No! Stop selling Aussie forest destruction!

Australia's world-class forests are still being ripped apart by industrial logging operations every single day. The destruction of our native forests is placing our threatened species, clean air and water, and climate in serious danger.

VID (5 mins) - 9/11 peace vigil outside U.S. embassy/London as Cameron, Prince Charles gather

vid (5 mins) LONDON CATHOLIC WORKER - 9/ 11 Peace Vigil at U.S. Embassy while Cameron, Prince Charles et al. gather!

Catholic Workers and friends, gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in London on Sunday to remember the dead of 9/ 11 and the U.S. wars that have followed. After being stopped and searched on suspicion of weapons, they held vigil and a banner that read.............
"Mourn the Dead
Heal the Wounded
End the Wars!
VID (5 mins)

48 hours to end ocean clear-cuts


Our oceans are being decimated -- deep-sea trawlers are clear-cutting our ocean floors leaving vast wastelands. A crucial UN fisheries meeting is happening in 48 hours -- and it could be the turning point in the fight against senseless ocean destruction, but only if enough of us speak out now. Sign and forward to everyone.

Solidarity call for Gerze community, Turkey, resisting power plant company and state violence

Solidarity Call for Gerze Community in Turkey, who successfully defended its land against the power plant company and the state violence

Sign the Solidarity Letter For Gerze Community, who has been fighting the power plant company and the state violence directed against them!

We stand together with the people of Gerze! Let’s globalize the resistance!

Rebel raid strips endangered Colombian tribe of emergency medicines


A Nukak child wearing a necklace made
from monkey teeth.
© Juan Pablo Gutierrez/Survival

Armed rebels have hijacked the first attempt to provide medical aid by boat to Colombia’s near-extinct and nomadic Nukak Indians.

Survival International has learned that medical staff were forced to abandon all their supplies, which included stretchers, surgical equipment and computers.

HRA RELEASE: Australia in danger - an obstinate power hungry egomaniac: Prime Minister Julia Gillard exposed as a racist.

Will Melissa Parke and Louise Pratt finally stand up and be counted or will they piecemeal choose what to say?

Prime Minister Gillard is a racist whose personal characteristics such as her maniacal obstinacy when coupled with her ever obvious racism make her dangerous as a powerbroker on the Australian landscape.