
US response to 9/11 nothing to do with victims

By Hamish Chitts

As the corporate media and pro-war politicians launch an intensified propaganda campaign around the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to sell the war in Afghanistan it is important to examine the US response to these terrible events and the impact this has had on working class people in Australia and around the world.

Pervy Kinsey was no love doctor

Mohawk Nation News, Sept. 7, 2011.

The natural center of Indigenous society are the women. Everyone is equal and has a voice. The mind is independent. The Europeans developed a system where a boss orders around scared obedient people.

Pure sex is a known creative impulse. The state wanted to stimulate and control sexual energy from birth, to destroy free will and conscience. Sex had to become perverted and guilt-ridden.

Asylum seeker policy: What will be the result?

Let us face it, it is not illegal to seek asylum in another country. On 31st of August, the High Court of Australia ruled the “Malaysia Solution” as simply invalid and unlawful; which demonstrated public expression of relief when this outcome was announced. However, it led to a game by which the government had to find a different direction to run from this issue.

It is high time for the media to do its job properly and break the silence on 9/11

As of today 1,550 Professional Architects & Engineers, including the architect Jan Utzon the son of Jørn Oberg Utzon the architect of the Sydney Opera House, and 12,907 supporters including A&E students, ( ) have signed a petition demanding a true investigation into the 9/11 terrorist attacks. So did many other Professional bodies. It is becoming critical for the Media to follow suit and break the silence and be true to authentic Journalism by dealing seriously with this important subject.

Burma: 27 years jail for taking a couple of videos and driving an unregistered motorcycle

By access

When we think of crimes worthy of 27 years in jail, taking a couple of videos and driving an unregistered motorcycle isn’t exactly what comes to mind. But that’s exactly what’s happening to 27 year-old Hla Hla Win, a video journalist in Burma, one of the most repressive countries in the world.

Borehole breakthrough for Botswana’s Bushmen

Survival International has been speaking to Bushmen from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve as they celebrate drinking water from the Mothomelo borehole for the first time in nine years. It marks a significant step towards their full return to their ancestral lands in Botswana following a landmark court ruling in 2006.

HRA MEDIA RELEASE: Numbers being done to topple Gillard - Ms Gillard has the opportunity to improve her legacy, thus far a discriminatory and racist one. She must make amends.


Prime Minister Julia Gillard's legacy is a poor one - she has the opportunity to move forward and though unlikely to be re-elected at least to remedy wrongs and leave a more pro-social legacy.