
Retrospection mp3

Looking back with spoken word, song, and comedy to where we are NOW !

"The Economy Isn't That Bad" by Jeremy Essig, Rory Bremner "Impersonations",, "Regulate The Economy", Onion News, MC Samplers "Da Market Popped The Economy Bailout, GFC wrap, "The Philosopher" by Robert Reed

29:50 min 128 kbps stereo 27.4 MB


The (Sha)revolution

The Sharehood started in 2008 as an idea. Theo was living in an inner city suburb of Melbourne’s north and his house didn’t have a washing machine. He was walking to a friends’ house to do his laundry when he realised many folks in his street would have washing machines and if he knew his neighbours, he might have been able to borrow theirs. He made a list of all the things that could be shared between neighbours and it was a long list! Then he distributed a letter to the people living within a 5 minute walk of his home, to share his idea and ask them to contact him to get involved.

The Shortwave Report 08/05/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 5) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and the Voice of Russia.

Money Doesn't Talk - But We Do ! mp3

MS - media samples, Robert Fisk, Onion News, Noam Chomsky, Kevin Slavin, Clarke and Dawe, social commentator Graham

sounds: The Nomad, Drapht Brother's Grimm, Entropy Factory Seconds, Waxaudio, Eddie Palmeri

related show: KR # 202 Understanding Financial Reality

35:52 min 128 kbps stereo 32.9 MB


Tony Blair on trial in Sydney

Julia Gillard might've been chuffed after Tony Blair gave her carbon tax campaign the thumbs up, but not everyone is happy to see the former British prime minister in Australia.

Mr Blair has been on a speaking tour of the country, in part to promote his new book of memoirs.

But the Stop the War Coalition accuses Mr Blair of committing war crimes in Iraq and say by selling his book he's profiting from proceeds of crime.

To voice their concerns, the group staged a mock trial down at Sydney's Darling Harbour.


Asylum Seekers will die in greater numbers after release - this from Gerry Georgatos. An important insight.

Australia is in the tragic phenomena of Detention Centre Deaths in Custody. Five suicides in the last ten months. Over a thousand suicide attempts and thousands of self-harms among our Asylum Seekers. There have been two suicide attempts at Darwin Immigration Centre, last night and yesterday. There shall be more. One Hazara man suffered a heart attack following efforts to rescue him from his suicide attempt.

The War on Terrorism Undermining Globalnorms and Institutions: How the United States is Fracking Up the World

Since the failures of management that resulted in the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon Washington D.C. there has a concerted Counter-Terrorist effort by the government of the United states of America. This effort far from fighting and defeating terrorism has undermined the global norms and institutions by that are already in pace to deal with and to combat terrorism.

The Shortwave Report 07/29/11 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 29) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB}

This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.