
Calling all creatives and writers- get published in Vibewire!!

Vibewire is calling for submissions from aspiring writers, journalists, photographers and artists.
We are giving writers and other creatives the chance to be published online and in print.

Our current February Theme is “Back to basics?”.

We are looking for submissions that somehow reflect that theme, from under 30's.

A 1000 word limit applies, and images should be submitted in 300 DPI format.

Deadline is February 28th.

Solidarity actions called around Australia to support the Egyptian revolution

Protest actions have been called around Australia and the world to show support for the Egyptian Revolution. Actions occurred on the weekend of 29th-30th of January in Melbourne - reports 1, 2, Youtube video ; Sydney report, Youtube video. Actions also occurred in many cities around the world. Protests have again happened around Australia on the 4th February in Brisbane and Melbourne and on the 5th in Sydney

Upcoming actions included Friday 11th in Brisbane and Saturday 12th in Adelaide.
Related: Youtube clip of
worldwide protests


Egypt: Anger Day rally Melbourne 30 Jan 2011

A demonstration organized by the Egyptian Solidarity Group took place in Melbourne at the Egyptian Consular General Offices in Market Street Melbourne on the 30th January 2011. Approximately 200 Supporters of the Egyptian Community gathered in opposition to the existing Government regime in Egypt. Their message was clear with the demonstrators chanting “OUT OUT MUBARAK OUT”.

"Looting" in Egypt - press lies and distortions

Below is an interesting article by Hamish Chitt's which exposes how the Egyptian Government is behind what limited looting has occurred in Egypt. Much of the press is busy smearing the people of Egypt, who are engaged in a heroic uprising for democracy with stories of looting. The Age headline today is one example Anger turns to anarchy".

US accused by Amnesty of inhumane treatment over Wikileaks soldier case

Amnesty International Press Release: 24 January 2011 - Amnesty International has urged the US authorities to alleviate the harsh pre-trial detention conditions of Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking information to Wikileaks.

The US army private, 23, has been held for 23 hours a day in a sparsely furnished solitary cell and deprived of a pillow, sheets, and personal possessions since July 2010.

Anonymous press release on "Operation Egypt"

Dear citizens of the world,

Anonymous cannot and will not stand idly while people are being denied their basic rights and human liberties. Yet there are still a lot of governments worldwide who fail to even aspire to the standard of freedom that was set by the universal declaration of human rights. These governments believe they have the right and privilege to impose upon their own people an official version of reality which is not in any way tampered by the truths of everyday life under which its citizens are living.

Egypt rises up – protests erupt to bring down Mubarak

The historic democratic uprising in the Arab world continues this week. The fall of the government in Tunisia has sparked off demonstrations in Yemen, Jordan, Algeria and most significantly now in Egypt.

These uprisings are not being led by any political parties or religious groups but are spontaneous demonstrations by the people who are fed up with poverty, corruption and a lack of human rights. They also pose a massive threat to U.S. and other Western interests in the Middle East who have backed these Arab dictatorships for decades. The U.S. is showing its true colours once again by failing to back the demonstrators on the streets. Wikileaks released documents on the 28th January showing just how much the U.S. government knew about Mubarak's crimes against his own people.

These uprisings are also being fuelled by the new channels of information like satellite television and the internet through Facebook, Twitter and Wikileaks. The Egyptian government in response has pulled the plug on the internet. Online protest group Anonymous has also launched cyber protests against the regime in solidarity. As John Pilger has observed, the world is witnessing the rise of a new superpower, and that's the power of the world's people.

Update:: Mubarak has sacked the Cabinet but is resisting demands to resign as protests continue. He has now appointed Omar Suleiman as Vice President. Lieutenant General Omar Suleiman (born 1936) is the Egyptian General Intelligence Director. He is the head of intelligence in Egypt and loyal to Mubarak. Protesters have loudly condemned the appointment of Omar Suleiman as Vice President. New Prime Minister of Egypt has been appointed - Ahmed Shafiq was Aviation minister in the former government.

Protesters are out in the streets in great numbers in defiance of curfew for a second night. Police and State Security have vanished, being replaced by the army which has been welcomed by protesters. The death toll in the week of protests is now more than 100 people.

Solidarity protests have been called in Sydney, Melbourne on Sunday 30th January and Brisbane on February 4th.

Background: Egypt:Tens of thousands on the streets | Egyptian Government pulls the plug on the internet | Egyptians reclaim the streets


Egypt: Tens of thousands on the streets say down with the regime

Tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of people have come out onto the streets of the cities and towns around Egypt to say down with the regime, the people want regime change. Follow live updates below:

Document of shame about the European child trade

the story of the missing kids
Where do all the missing children go? This true certified documentary from the French tv station gives us an insight into the European child trade. Think the police will aid you when your child goes missing? Think again! Money corrupts.