Egypt: Anger Day rally Melbourne 30 Jan 2011

A demonstration organized by the Egyptian Solidarity Group took place in Melbourne at the Egyptian Consular General Offices in Market Street Melbourne on the 30th January 2011. Approximately 200 Supporters of the Egyptian Community gathered in opposition to the existing Government regime in Egypt. Their message was clear with the demonstrators chanting “OUT OUT MUBARAK OUT”.

Demonstrators held pictures of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak overlaid with red crosses whilst others removed their shoes and hit out at these pictures. Many messages were heard here some stating “stop internet censorship” clearly as a result of the government’s action to prevent media and it’s people communicating the bitter anti-government
demonstrations and uprising of the Egyptian community.

Pictures of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak bearing a red cross across his face were held high and struck by the shoes of other protesters demonstrating their support for Egypt’s anti-government revolt.

A speaker at the demonstration, Mohamed Elmasri of FAMSY stated “30-years of oppression, enough is enough”.

The demonstration continued with supporters singing the Egyptian National Anthem.

Photos on Flickr by Nicholas Brennan

Image in article also by Nicholas Brennan